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The Truth Lives Here.

Great Again

After decades of making films, appearing on cable news, publishing the DML News App, hosting a top-ranked podcast, writing newsletters, and building a loyal following of millions, I’m proud to be one of the few personalities who people trust.

After Trump’s 2024 win, he asked for help to fight the media’s agenda to kill the Make America Great Again movement. Thus, I launched free podcasts, newsletters, and tools for Trump supporters to receive and share trusted news and information.

I also offer products and services to help you feel great again. Please look below to learn more. But at a minimum, sign up to get my free newsletters for breaking news, politics, health reports, and more.

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Zoom with DML

Wednesdays. Exclusive to TeamDML Members, my sons and I offer a LIVE video Zoom call to discuss everything and anything. Available at TeamDML.com

DML Films

They Come to America I - IV, The United States of Tents, A Day at Bundy’s, We Ride to DC, King of the Hamptons. Available here. New films coming soon.

47 Report Newsletter

Weekdays. An incredible morning newsletter offering news, insights and facts about the Trump presidency. The information is all fact based. Sign up.

Non-Political Podcasts

(1) Wine & Talk is a monthly show where my wife and I discuss marriage.
(2) Life After 50 is a weekend program where I interview fascinating people.

DML Report Newsletter

Weekdays. A short and punchy op-ed based newsletter covering current events and social media frenzies. Available for free, delivered via email. Sign up.

DML News Podcast

Weekdays. Join my sons and me to discuss politics at 9:30am EST, M-F, on Facebook, X, Rumble, or TeamDML.com via the DML News App.

Products & Services:


DMLcbd.com offers most trusted, tested safe, effective CBD products called MIRACLE ME. Designed to improve sleep, curb anxiety, enrich skin, diminish pain and boost the immune system.


TeamDML is a subscription based platform that offers all of my podcasts, Zoom with DML, and a 24/7 LIVE chat with members. Join now.

DML News App

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The DML Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization run by my wife and me. We are self-funded, and the money is exclusively derived from our business endeavors.

Donations We Make
To date, most of the donations we give are monetary, but on occasion we donate materials such as blankets, food, health products, books and clothing.


Atlanta Hope 
Highlighted in my film THE UNITED STATES OF TENTS, Atlanta Hope helps the homeless on various fronts. We provided them with thousands of dollars in blankets to the homeless in Atlanta, GA.

Veterans Community Project (VCP)
Located in Kansas City, MO, VCP builds tiny homes for homeless veterans. We donated thousands of dollars in DVDs of our film on homelessness. VCP handed out the DVDs as gifts to donors.

Betty Ann from Virginia
She hands out blankets and food to the homeless in Washington DC. To help fund her initiatives we donated $1,000.

– Carly and Ava Hinnant
Cannon Hinnant, was 5-yrs-old when he was murdered by a man in N.Carolina. The $9,000 donation will help pay for his sisters’ college tuition.

Code Enforcement Officer Charles Case
A resident of Augusta, GA, Charles was found shot dead in the middle of the street by a man who lived in the home Case had marked as condemned. Our $500 donation went to help pay for Case’s funeral.

Rosemary Cain
The mother of NYC Fireman George Cain who died on 9/11. We sent a $500 donation to help keep the spirit of George alive.

Make Our Schools Safe
This non-profit organization dedicated to protecting students and teachers at school was started by Lori Alhadeff, the mother of 14-year-old Alyssa who was a freshman killed in the Parkland shooting. We donated a total of $10,000.

Lauren Price
A veteran of the Iraq war, she was diagnosed with a terminal lung disease caused by the burn pits encountered during her tour. Lauren died in 2022, and I gave the eulogy at her funeral. Our total donation of $12,250 was to help support her organization Veterans Warriors.

Accelerated Urgent Care
The medical clinic in California serves patients with various illnesses including COVID-19. We donated $1,000 to help people pay for care.

-Lisa from Arizona
A U.S. veteran, she found herself struggling to pay the bills. To help, we donated $5,000.

Nursing staff at St. Frances Hospital
Located in NY, we donated $1,500 to the nursing department.

– John from Michigan.  
His daughter lost her ability to function normally after contracting a rare disease from a bug bite. We tried to help cover some of the expenses by donating $3,000. 

– Vinny from Tennessee. 
He is a father of nine; all the kids are under 18-years old, including two special needs children and a newborn.  He lost his job during the COVID-19 pandemic, so we donated $2,000 to his family.

– John from Vermont. 
This former football star began a career as a master carpenter and was doing great until drugs became a problem. He lost everything, but is now recovering with the help of his mother.  As a way of celebrating his 100th day of sobriety, we donated to John $500 to help him start a contracting business.

– Rookie Police Officer from Long Island. 
As a rookie cop in NYC, earning little money in exchange for putting himself in life-risking situations, this young man could have quit during the BLM riots. But Officer John remained committed to protect and serve. He drives four hours round trip to work each day. In a sign of support, we donated $20,000 to help him with expenses, and to help him move closer to work.

James from Missouri
He was a truck driver. Only problem was he didn’t own a truck. This limited his ability to earn a living. We donated $5,000 to James to help him buy his own truck. Two years later he died of lung cancer. We donated $2,000 to help pay for his funeral.

Andi Buerger, Voices Against Trafficking. 
She started an organization to help young kids escape the horrors of sex trafficking. We donated $8,000 to her org.

– Potter family, Kentucky. 
Mr. and Mrs. Potter were sitting at home with their two grandchildren when a huge tornado struck their small town in Kentucky. The family lost everything.  We wanted to help, so we donated $4,000.

Cleveland Clinic Hospital
The hospital has experienced a high number of COVID cases amid being short staffed. We donated $1,000.

Alexander Neville Foundation.
A mother lost her son to Fentanyl poisoning. His name was Alexander Neville, and he was just 13-year old. His mother is now an activist in alerting parents to the dangers of this horrible drug. We donated $2,000 to help support her mission.

–  National Foundation for Healthy Veterans. 
A foundation launched by retired Major General Bob Dees. The charity helps veterans overcome addiction and hardships; we donated $5,000

Cooper from New York. 
He is an infant born to a lesbian couple. Cooper lost his grandfather who died of a heart attack at 67-years-old. We wanted to help, so we donated $2,000.

– JD from New York. 
JD is a 9/11 survivor. We gave him a $3,000 donation to help his family’s dog fight cancer.

Caitlyn from Long Island. 
This recent college grad drove to Ohio from NY for a job interview when someone hit her from behind, destroying her car.  We helped her pay for repairs by donating $3,000.

– Kenny from Florida. 
Kenny is an African American trying to put his life together after losing his mother to a stomach related disease, and on the same day she died he lost his brother and sister in a horrible car accident.  Ken wants to start his own painting business, so we donated $500 to help him get started.

Dylan from N Carolina.
He dreams of offering boat charters. We donated $1,000 to help build his business.

– Ken from Ft Myers.  
A hurricane rocked the west coast of Florida; Ken and his wife lost their home and needed a place to stay, we paid for one week of hotel lodging by donating $2,500

– The New York Yankees Foundation.  
The pro-baseball team has a charity unit that serves the Tampa Bay Area helping under privileged children and families in need. We donated $10,000.

– Teresa from Florida.  
Ryan Vaught was a Iraq War veteran. In 2022, he suffered an injury at home. After days in the hospital, he was released in time for Christmas. The next day he died in front of his wife, Teresa, and their two children. We donated $20,000 to his family.

– Various foster care homes in Florida
To provide reading opportunities to children in poverty, we purchased and donated thousands of books on how to survive through courage, strength, and faith. Our donation totaled to $60,000.

– Brogan from Florida. 
At 17, this high school graduate left his home in Florida and traveled alone to Europe with dreams of becoming a pro-soccer player.  We donated $5,000 to assist in his travel and lodging costs.

– Brandon from Florida.
At 15, Brandon is working so he can save money to buy his first car. In addition, he was unfairly accused of wrongdoing by the principal at his school. Without a chance to defend himself, Brandon was disciplined by means of expulsion. We donated $3,700 to help pay for his car.

-Susan Cantalupo from Naples
Her son is autistic. She has undergone numerous surgeries, making it impossible for her to work.  The mother and son combo are at risk of losing their home; they reached out for help. The DML Foundation paid one month of their mortgage.  Donation $1,400.

– Ken from NY. 
Ken’s wife, 77, died suddenly while the couple watched TV at home. Camp, who served in the Air Force, did not have money to pay for her funeral.  We sent $8,000 to help cover the funeral expenses.

– Amanda from Upstate, NY. 
Amanda is in her 20s, she has a new job but is currently homeless and pregnant. She reached out and asked if we could help with the down payment for an apartment. She needed her first and last month, plus security. We sent $5,000.

-Servers and staffers.

A group of employees at a restaurant impressed me with how they served elderly people, and carried out various tasks with grace that I asked management how the we could support the entire staff. We donated $2,000 to pay for a future holiday party for the workers themselves.

- Habitat for Humanity
They build homes for the less fortunate in Florida. We donated $1,200 to the charitable group.

- Boots on the Beach
Texas based charity that helps veterans with various issues and disorders. $15,500