Good morning. Today is Aug 2.

I am covering the flawed polling system, assassination attempt update, Kamala’s huge money grab, illegals voting, top ten headlines, the Adventures of DML, plus so much more. Please share!

NOTE: Again, I apologize for the tardy newsletter, I remain out of town. I return tonight.



Listeners said The Dennis Michael Lynch Podcast Thursday was a great listen. I was red hot mad about how Trump is being treated, and I pushed back on the narrative that Harris is going to win the election. If you have not listened to it, I encourage you to do so. (click here)

Today, I am taking the fight for Trump a step further. Weeks ago, I wrote a DML REPORT highlighting the 4 things you will see the media and liberal government attempt to do to ensure a victory for Queen Harris. (1) Lower gas prices. (2) Lower interest rates. (3)Lower food prices. (4) Manipulate polling to show Harris is winning. So far, #1 and #2 are in play. We have to wait a little longer for #3. Today, we talk about #4, because the polling BS is the biggest scam alive.


Media outlets that have been frequently accused of engaging in or promoting fake polling tend to be those with strong, Democrat affiliations and biases, such as CNN, The New York Times, and MSNBC.

Most polls rely on a sample that may not accurately represent the larger population. This can occur due to a variety of factors, such as non-random sampling methods, which can lead to biased results. For example, if a poll primarily surveys individuals who are more likely to respond due to their strong opinions, this can skew the data.

Research has shown that the way questions are structured can significantly influence responses. Leading questions can push respondents toward a particular answer, and ambiguous wording can confuse participants, further distorting the results. For instance, a question framed to emphasize a positive aspect of a policy may yield more favorable responses than a neutral or negatively framed question. This manipulation of question wording can be a deliberate tactic employed by organizations seeking to promote a specific agenda.

The timing of polls can affect outcomes. Polls conducted shortly before an election may reflect transient opinions influenced by recent events, such as debates or scandals. This phenomenon, known as the "bandwagon effect," can create an illusion of momentum for certain candidates or issues, impacting voter behavior. Example: Harris is experiencing the bandwagon effect right now.

The transparency of polling organizations also raises concerns. Many polling firms do not disclose their methodologies or the demographics of their samples, making it difficult for the public to assess the validity of their findings. In some cases, organizations may intentionally manipulate results to produce findings that align with their political or commercial interests, further undermining the credibility of the polling process. Thus, why CNN and the liberal media always get caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Finally, the interpretation of polling data can also be misleading. Media outlets often report on polls without providing adequate context or analysis, leading to oversimplified narratives about public sentiment. This can cause misinterpretations of the data, fostering a sense of certainty about uncertain issues. For example, a slight lead in a poll may be reported as a definitive outcome, ignoring the margin of error and the dynamic nature of public opinion.

CNN led the media push in one of the most notorious examples of a fabricated poll designed to sway voters. It came from the 2016 presidential election when a poll conducted by a small, partisan group called the "American Research Group" claimed that Donald Trump had a significantly lower chance of winning key battleground states than was later observed. This poll was found to have fabricated data, including fake responses and manipulated sampling techniques, to create a narrative that Trump was trailing behind Hillary Clinton.

During the 2020 presidential election, CNN was often criticized by various political commentators and some Republican officials for allegedly presenting polls that favored Joe Biden, leading to accusations of "fake polling." In one poll, CNN faced criticism for pushing poll resulted that suggested Joe Biden was leading Donald Trump by a significant margin in key battleground states. The poll was later scrutinized for its methodology, as it heavily oversampled registered Democrats and underrepresented Republicans and independents.

Similarly, The New York Times tried to crush Trump by touting bogus polls. One in particular was scrutinized for its methodology. The poll that indicated an overall strong lead for Biden. However, the poll was accused of framing questions using wording that offered a bias towards Biden, influencing respondents' answers. Additionally, the poll's sample was noted to overrepresent urban voters, which skewed the results away from a more balanced demographic representation.

A poll released by a Democratic-leaning organization during the Virginia gubernatorial race showed candidate Terry McAuliffe with a significant lead over Republican Glenn Youngkin. Critics pointed out that the poll used leading questions and disproportionately sampled Democratic voters, which misrepresented the competitive nature of the race. Ultimately, Youngkin won, highlighting the poll's miscalibration.

A poll conducted by a partisan group in the Pennsylvania Senate race showed a substantial lead for Democratic candidate John Fetterman. However, the poll faced scrutiny for only surveying a limited demographic and not adequately representing independent and Republican voters. The final election results revealed a tighter race than the poll indicated, raising concerns about the accuracy and potential bias in its methodology.

Democrats know how strong Trump’s chances are of winning. I don’t think it’s because independents and center-left Democrats suddenly love Trump. I think it’s because they have come to hate the policies of the Biden / Harris White House. It is insane to suggest that people who were barely able to buy food, gas, and pay the rent three weeks ago have suddenly had a change of heart. What person in their right mind, who has been struggling since 2020, and who is barely holding on, will cast a vote that ignores their own struggles in exchange for a half-black, half-Indian, barely-able-to-speak female who was jammed into the race by Obama.

Your intelligence is being insulted with these polls suggesting Harris is winning, or at minimum closing the gap. The media wants you to lose steam and enthusiasm for Trump. They want you to stop sharing content like mine, be it the podcasts or the newsletters. They want you to stop checking the DML News App, and reading your news feed. They want you to give up.

There is a dark cloud over CNN, and the liberal ilk who sell bogus reporting and polls. The lies they tout are evil, un-American, and downright criminal. You have to fight back by sharing more, cheering louder, and vowing to never give up.


POLL: Do you support Trump’s proposal to end Social Security taxes for seniors?
Take the poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:  Do you believe Iran was involved with the Trump assassination attempt?

No - 67%

Yes - 20%

Unsure - 13%


TRUMP 2024


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) disclosed that a Secret Service whistleblower has accused Acting Director Ronald Rowe of making personnel cuts that jeopardized security at the July 13 campaign rally for President Trump. According to the whistleblower, the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), responsible for evaluating security threats outside the perimeter, did not perform its usual site evaluation or attend the rally. This omission is significant because CSD’s duties include identifying and mitigating potential security threats outside the event’s secure area. The whistleblower claims that had the CSD been present, the gunman, who was spotted with a rangefinder, could have been apprehended in the parking lot.

The whistleblower also alleges that Rowe directed a 20 percent reduction in CSD manpower, which significantly impaired the division's operational capacity. This detail was not disclosed during Rowe’s testimony to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday. Furthermore, the whistleblower reports that Secret Service personnel who raised concerns about security at Trump events faced retaliation.

For instance, following an event at a golf tournament in August of last year, Secret Service agents expressed serious concerns about the adequacy of local law enforcement. These officers, tasked with security, were reportedly not properly trained or prepared for their roles, and individuals were admitted to the event without proper
vetting. Those who voiced these concerns were allegedly retaliated against, creating an environment where critical security issues could not be addressed without fear of retribution.

Bottom line: They want Trump dead.



Although I am telling you the polls are flawed, make no mistake, there is support for Harris. The insane, pink-haired, nutty freaks in the Democrat Party will do anything and everything to keep Trump out of office, including breaking the bank.

Harris’ newly rebranded campaign boasts a record-breaking $310 million fundraising haul in July, far surpassing Trump's $138.7 million for the same period. Harris' campaign calls this the "best grassroots fundraising month in presidential history."

This massive influx has pushed the Harris campaign past the $1 billion mark for the 2024 cycle, reportedly making it the fastest presidential campaign in U.S. history to reach this milestone. With July’s significant fundraising, Harris' team now reports $377 million in cash on hand, including contributions from joint fundraising committees and
the Democratic National Committee.

In comparison, Trump's campaign reported $327 million cash on hand by the end of July, across its authorized committees. Harris' fundraising surge was fueled by approximately $200 million collected within a week of Biden’s sudden exit from the race and his endorsement of Harris.

The Harris campaign now holds a financial edge with $50 million more in their combined war chest compared to Trump’s. The campaign claims about 94% of Harris' contributions were under $200, with many donors being teachers and nurses. This leads me to believe that you should home school your kids, and avoid getting sick.




Stunning new video footage has been released of illegals in the key battleground state of Georgia admitting they are registered to vote. The footage was shared on social media Wednesday afternoon by the Oversight Project, a investigative arm of the Heritage Foundation.

Journalist Anthony Rubin of Muckracker explained in the video that the apartment complex, Elliot Norcross, in Norcross, Georgia, is primarily occupied by non-citizens. A whopping 14% of those interviewed admitted they are registered to vote.




The stories you need to know this morning: One click to read them all.


1. 12 Days: Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee

2. Chelsea Clinton angling for ambassadorship if Harris wins election

3. Schumer Won’t Say Whether Biden’s Radical SCOTUS Overhaul Will Get A Vote

4. Disaster: U.S. Economy Added Just 114,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment Surges

5. Kyle Rittenhouse’s Presidential Vote Choice Sparks Reaction

6. Interest rate cuts are on the horizon, but high mortgage rates could be here to stay

7. Simone Biles jabs Trump: ‘I love my Black job’

8. Joe Manchin is not seeking reelection after filing deadline passes

9. Led found in nearly half of dark chocolate, other cocoa products, study finds

10. Major Weather System Heads For Florida As Forecasters Issue Multiple Warnings



We all know about the dude who knocked out the girl in the Olympics this week in 46-seconds, crushing her Olympic dreams. The outrage over this is world-wide, and so in an attempt to put things right, I made an offer on Facebook to the Algerian POS who fakes being a woman so he can win a medal. Here is what I offered:

I’ll offer the Algerian who was permitted to fight in the women’s Olympic boxing event $25k to fight me in the ring. If I lose, I will pay the Algerian another $100k and I’ll donate $25k to a trans-based charity here in the US. If I win, the Algerian agrees to never fight in the women’s category again, and the Algerian must give over the $25k to the female Italian fighter who dropped out. And by winning I mean I have to score a real knock out.

Robert Toffel: I will be your cut man.

Andy Sheley: You would get destroyed.

Darryl Heisey: The folks who claim to be champions for women's rights are the ones who who promoted and allowed this.

Deborah Root: Thank you a true real man standing up !! Thank you!!!!!

Connie McNeal: I really don’t want you injured but I believe you could beat him!!

Connie Lemon: I so wish you would, let HIM know what it’s like to fight a real man.

On my podcast today, I will be discussing the polls, the American hostages released, and the illegal voters in GA. If you’d like to watch, please become a member of TeamDML for just $30 per year.

Send me your feedback: Email me at


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4. Get a Trump sign for your lawn.

Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,




Trump’s New Promise to Senior Citizens is Great