Kamala Exists Because They Hate Trump

Good morning. Today is Aug 30.

I am covering the CNN interview with Harris and Walz, Trump and energy, $150B to illegals, top 5, your comments, a new poll, and the Adventures of DML. Please share!




The Kamala Harris interview on CNN last night left me thinking three things:

  1. Dana Bash is the worst woman in media. She has no talent, no spine, and she should be ashamed of herself for not asking the tough questions.

  2. Tim Walz is such a great liar that he believes his own lies.

  3. The only reason Kamala Harris exists in this race is because so many people love to hate Trump. I have never seen anyone be more hated in my life.

I watched the interview with my wife, and we were both repeatedly asking the same question over and over again: "What did she just say?" Her answers sounded as if she didn’t have a record — meaning, she had never served three plus years as vice president.

Bash's first question is a standard ask in an interview with a presidential candidate: "What will you do on your first day?"

Harris went into a long-winded answer about helping the middle class by fixing problems that do not exist, such a grocery price gauging. How can any American just sit there and listen without getting pissed off? How can Bash allow her to ramble without interruption?

Middle class relief?
How so, I wonder. By allowing in more illegals that the middle class pays for, or by taxing unrealized gains? Or is it we will pay 10x more for groceries instead of 11x? Or could it be we won’t have to pay for anything. Maybe we will all get our share of rice twice per day living as prisoners in Kamala camps. (I’ll explain Kamala camps today on my podcast.)

Seriously, watch the interview online today if you haven't already. Then send me an email explaining how any half-brain functioning American can support Kamala Harris. She is so lame, so full of BS, so obnoxious and radical, it defies description.

The woman has changed her positions so many times, it's impossible to keep track. I'm not kidding. From fracking to border security, the lies and flip-flops from the most unpopular vice president in recent history are endless. And yet, despite the brainless, dishonest presence she provides, there are no shortages of people who will vote for her.

You have to ask yourself how someone as pathetic as Harris gets to where she is, and even more importantly, how is she running “neck-and-neck” against a proven success like Trump.

I always say the polls are manipulated, but even so, I still see too many Harris voters, of all colors and ages, getting excited to vote for her. Let me explain why this is…

Love is a strong emotion, but I think hate is stronger. Hate can drive a person to kill, and there is no greater sin than murder. When you hate someone or something, you want to rid yourself of it somehow or someway. It doesn't matter the means to which you take; your hate runs deep and it lives inside of you like a poison. The only way to rid yourself of the poison is to rid of the source, no matter the consequences.

Hate, when left inside a person for too long, becomes an obsession. It is a driving force that takes over a person's ability to reason. And so, this is why Trump is always racing uphill despite going against a clown like Harris.

Yes, there are millions of people who love Trump. And there are millions more people who admire him. There are even those who aren't crazy about him, but they tolerate him because his policies are strong. BUT... For every person that loves him, there is one that hates him. And for every person who admires him, there is one that hates him. And for every person who tolerates him, there is one that hates him. Get the point? This is the only reason why Harris exists.

As if Harris wasn't bad enough, in comes Tim Walz. Even if Harris was to leave for Pluto and never return, we'd still be in trouble. Walz is just as radical, just as dishonest, and just as prepared to ruin everything your parents and grandparents fought for. His answers last night were incomplete and ridiculous. One example: When asked if he had anything to say about the lies he told about his service in the National Guard, Tim chalked it up to "bad grammar." What did he just say?

You will not see Harris do another interview before the debate on September 10. She can't; she has nothing to offer, and therefore, she must hide. How pathetic is it that she had to bring Tim Walz to her first interview? He was like an emotional support dog, and Dana Bash was the lady at the psych clinic who was too afraid to ask any tough questions of the patient. I guess we have to wait for the debate to get the real Harris, like we did the real Biden. I hate to say it, but Harris's team knows how to play the game of hide and seek like pros.


POLL: How would you rate the CNN interview with Harris & Walz?

Take poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
 Would you leave the U.S. if Kamala is president for the next 8 years?

No - 54%

Yes - 26%

Unsure - 20%


TRUMP 2024


Trump has pledged to become the "American energy president" if re-elected, aiming to drastically reduce energy costs in the United States. Speaking in Michigan, Trump outlined a comprehensive plan to cut energy expenses in half, focusing on expanding domestic energy production and lifting restrictive policies implemented by the current administration. Trump’s energy strategy includes slashing bureaucratic red tape, accelerating the approval process for new power plants, promoting nuclear energy, and reversing the Democrats' limitations on fossil fuels. By rolling back these restrictions, Trump plans to revitalize America's energy independence, a goal achieved during his first term, which saw the nation become a leading energy producer globally. Former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt highlighted the urgency of this plan, noting the potential energy capacity shortfall facing the country. He emphasized that Trump's approach would make the U.S. an attractive location for manufacturing and industrial operations due to lower energy costs, which would also help curb inflation. Trump’s agenda contrasts sharply with the Harris administration's policies, which have focused on reducing carbon emissions and pushing for electric vehicles. By repealing these policies and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, Trump aims to stabilize the energy market, strengthen the power grid, and enhance energy exports to support allies in Europe.



Kamala Harris just held a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia. A media report suggested she bussed people in from across the state to make the event look packed. The distance between Atlanta and Savannah is 250 miles, or 5 hours on a bus. Would you ride a bus for 10 hours round trip to see Harris? You can watch the news report and decide for yourself. Watch on X




The migrant crisis is draining U.S. taxpayers, with a staggering $150 billion spent in just one year to support the 20 plus million illegal aliens currently residing in the country, as reported by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Most of these costs are being shouldered by state and local governments, which are struggling to manage the financial burden. In Massachusetts alone, Republican leaders have highlighted a $1 billion shortfall in state funds, accusing the Democrat-led government of diverting tax dollars to address the growing migrant issue. This significant outlay of taxpayer money could have been better allocated to pressing needs such as infrastructure, schools, and homelessness. Instead, states like New York face projected costs of $4.3 billion through 2025, with New York City taxpayers facing a $3 billion bill for fiscal year 2024.

FAIR's estimates reveal that nearly $10 billion was spent in 2023 on the 1.45 million illegal migrants and their children in New York. Similarly, California topped the list with nearly $31 billion in expenditures, followed by Texas at $13 billion and Florida at over $8 billion. A total of Nineteen US states have shelled out in excess of $1 billion for the migrant crisis. These funds, according to FAIR, include expenses for education, medical care, law enforcement, legal costs, and welfare services, all of which could have supported American citizens in need. The financial strain is not just a matter of dollars and cents; it represents a broader issue of policy priorities. While illegal aliens do contribute about $32 billion in taxes, this is a fraction of the $182 billion in total estimated costs. The disparity leaves American taxpayers covering a $150 billion shortfall.

Now, to make it worse, imagine they are wrong in estimating it’s 20 million people. How about it I am correct and it’s 40 million. Double the cost/spend.



The stories you need to know this morning: One click to read them all.

1. I'm Not With Kamala Movement by Black Women (video)

2. Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office

3. American town offering citizens up to $20,000 to relocate there

4. Trans Golfer Lashes Out At ‘Conservative Media’

5. Best ad yet on "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (video)



Back in 2015, when I was considering a run for office, I appeared on CSPAN. I was asked tough questions, and I gave thorough answers. Even callers were invited to ask me questions, and I did not have any heads up as to what they’d ask. The candidates should have to field tough questions from the public, instead of hacks like Dana Bash.

Tim: I hate my name now that Walz is using it. LOL.

Regina: When will Trump stop talking about abortion, the topic is killing him!

We will talk about Kamala’s interview on CNN. If you’d like to watch the show, please become a member of TeamDML for just $30 per year.

Send me your feedback: Email me at WeTrustDML@Gmail.com


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Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,




The Newest Lawfare Used Against Trump