The Debate: Why Obama May Want DT to Win.


Every weekend, I publish FUTURE READY, an op-ed series highlighting topics shaping our nation's future. This week, I'll offer insights on how Trump can best present himself in the upcoming debate, and why some people suggest Obama wants him to win.

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On Saturday morning, I went live on Facebook and asked my supporters what they'd like me to write about. Colleen Indykiewicz requested I write about how Trump should handle the debate this week.

She believes Trump should remain composed and let Biden speak at length, considering Biden's tendency to stumble over his words. I agree with her to an extent; allowing Biden to appear confused is crucial. However, the circumstances may make it difficult to consistently exploit his dementia-like symptoms.

The debate rules favor Biden.
For one, much of Biden's cognitive decline is apparent when he stands and moves; sitting down works in his favor.

Second. Trump’s microphone being turned off when Joe speaks limits his ability to unsettle Biden. Throwing him off thought will be more challenging than you may think.

Third. Biden will be fielding questions from sympathetic moderators. They will protect Joe in every possible way.

Lastly. Amphetamines. Biden's medication, like during the State of the Union, will likely enhance his performance. So expecting Biden to struggle as he does daily may be unrealistic. Be prepared for Biden to perform better than expected.

Trump must focus on two key strategies.
(1) Each time Trump speaks, he must highlight every aspect of Biden’s America that is in disarray and outline his plans to fix it all.

(2) Trump should consistently portray Biden as a man suffering from dementia, unfit to lead the country.

I offer two examples:
Example (A): The moderator asks Trump, "You claim President Biden’s immigration policies have led to uncontrolled immigration levels and that you will deport those in the country waiting for asylum claims. How will you legally do this?" Trump’s answer is simple:

Joe Biden is suffering from dementia. He forgets he voted for the "Fence Act" during the Bush presidency. However, upon taking office in 2020, the first thing he did was undo my secure border with 94 executive actions. Then he sold off the materials that the American people had paid for to build my wall. He sold it all for a fraction of what we paid. He has purposely kept the borders open, allowing terrorists, gang members, drug runners, and fentanyl to enter the US.

Every day someone overdoses or is killed because of Joe. Like Rachel Morin, a mother of five murdered in Maryland by one of Biden’s so-called newcomers. Joe has blood on his hands because the illegal alien who killed Rachel was wanted for murder in his home country, and yet Joe permitted the killer to enter our country. What does the illegal do when he gets here? He assaulted a young girl and her mother in California. Then Joe and the Democrats allow this bad guy to roam the country and murder Rachel. There are countless stories like this. Joe invites the worst people in the world to come here to steal, kill, rape, and take away resources from Americans. Joe has never mentioned Rachel's name or called her family, he never mentioned Laken Riley, he doesn’t care about anyone or anything other than himself.

Joe is too old and too slow to remember he voted for the Fence Act; I sorta feel bad for him, he looks and sounds very ill. I mean, the man can't stand during this debate, he can't remember which way to walk off stage, or what to read from the teleprompter. He is a double national security threat, keeping our borders open and being mentally incapable of getting through tonight without amphetamines. Should we not feel concerned that the leader of the world is medicated to the point of being numb? He needs to be in an old age home, not the White House.

As for how I am deporting every last illegal, it’s simple: They’re going home the same way they came in.

Example (B): Every time Biden makes a false claim about Trump, Trump should swiftly address it and move on without defending himself. So, if Biden claims Trump is responsible for Roe v. Wade being overturned and thus stripping women of their ability to have an abortion, Trump’s response should be this:

Another clear example of Joe’s dementia. He doesn’t know the laws. A woman can still have an abortion, but it depends on the state where it is legal. There are plenty of states where a woman can terminate her pregnancy, unfortunately.

How can we have a president who can’t remember the laws, let alone his wife’s name or the names of people in his cabinet? Joe always appears lost, sounding confused, tripping over himself, and frequently takes naps throughout the day. It's evident he needs to be heavily medicated with amphetamines just to function tonight. It’s unfair to him and unfair to us. Jill should be seeking care providers for him instead of allowing him to be exploited by the media, world leaders, and the people who are truly running the country—his handlers.

Repeat the Message.
If Trump consistently highlights Joe’s dementia, reliance on amphetamines, and inability to grasp national issues, he will undermine Biden effectively. Regardless of the topic, emphasizing these points will resonate with viewers at home, compelling them to side with Trump. This approach will likely unsettle Biden, prompting him to defend his age and cognitive abilities (which is impossible to do).

Now, let’s change gears. Obama!
Ask yourself this question: Why are all world leaders, every major liberal news outlet, Hollywood, unions, and every Democrat in office pretending as if Biden is not physically and mentally declining? If Biden were a trained pilot in his current condition, do you think any of those people would board a plane he is flying? Not a chance. Yet, they endorse him to lead the country and advocate for his reelection. It doesn’t add up—unless you delve deeper.

Many people believe Obama wanted Joe in office because he controls him. Many also believe Obama is the one pulling the strings, and let's not forget word is he also chose Kamala Harris. If this is true, perhaps he wanted her to be the VP for two reasons. For one, much like Joe, she is far from being the sharpest knife in the draw. When Joe steps aside and Kamala takes over, Obama remains the de facto president, able to lead from behind once again.

Furthermore, many believe Obama desires to diminish white influence in power. They say he envisions a nation where whites are the minority, and with Kamala, he creates the historic image of anointing the first female president—a woman of color. Harris, a radical progressive, undoubtedly pursues the same fundamental transformation Obama envisioned for our country's future. Going a bit deeper, Harris has a controversial reputation regarding her rise to power. Perhaps Obama has leverage over her, making the situation even more advantageous for him?

Sly Moves
Obama wants to avoid bad optics. He knows it would look terrible if he and Democrats were seen as pushing Biden out of office. This would imply they agree that everything Biden did was bad, a result of an unfit person being in control. It must happen through the natural course of Biden's decline. Obama understands that Trump is the ideal opponent to hasten Biden's downfall, so you can be sure Obama wants Trump to dismantle Biden this week.

I think Harris stands a strong chance of becoming the Democratic Party's nominee if Biden can’t carry on. Perhaps the people on Twitter are correct — Obama’s ultimate strategy is to expose Biden's mental decline through Trump.

If I had a million dollars to bet, I would wager it on Kamala becoming the nominee by the end of the summer.

In a head-to-head matchup, Trump would easily defeat Harris in 2024. However, some people on Twitter believe that Obama wields enough control to mobilize a coalition of radicals ready to sway votes in Harris's favor. They argue that with his connections to China, illegal aliens voting, and the use of mail-in ballots, Harris could achieve a modern-day miracle similar to what Joe did in 2020, overcoming Trump's dominance.

Don’t Get Depressed
We're still in this to win. Personally, regardless of how the debate unfolds, I believe the best outcome on July 11 would be Trump getting sentenced to jail. If that happens, the entire country will rally behind Trump, much like they did for Reagan in 1984. Not even Obama's powerful fist can overcome what would be over 100 million votes.

More on this…
I'm going to delve deeper into this topic on my podcast tomorrow. Here's how you can stay engaged with me every day:

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Until tomorrow. God bless you.




The Biggest Lie About Illegal Immigration