Today is June 28. Today’s newsletter focuses on one story: BIDEN & THE DEBATE. Please share.


You don’t need me to rehash play by play from last night. Just turn on Fox, go to my Twitter, or listen to the radio for the sound clips of Trump pounding on Biden — and Biden appearing like a dementia patient on stage — they will be everywhere. Instead of giving you highlights, I will give you what happens next.


Each weekend, I publish FUTURE READY, an op-ed highlighting a topic shaping our nation's future. Last week, my op-ed offered insight into why I believe Obama wanted Trump to win the debate. Below is the title and photo I used to tell the story.



In my op-ed, I clearly pointed out how world leaders, Hollywood, the mainstream media, and Democrats were all pretending not to see Joe’s mental and physical decline because that's what Obama wanted. It was my contention that Obama knew the timing wasn’t right — leading up to last night, the Democrats couldn’t gang up on Joe and remove him from the ticket — it would make it appear as if his agenda isn’t working. Obama told everyone to wait — let Joe go a little longer — let a situation occur that forces Joe to bow out on his own. Not an easy task considering Biden’s ego is bigger than the state of California.

Obama needed a catalyst — something that would trigger Joe’s worst conditions to come out on full display for everyone to see. It needed to happen in such a way that no person with half a brain would be able to ignore the dementia.

Obama wanted more than a two-minute Twitter clip where Joe trips on stage, or walks in the wrong direction in front of a prime minister, or reads the wrong words from the teleprompter. It had to be bigger — it had to be undeniable — it had to be Joe at his worst. It had to be a prime-time event where all of the American people, be they Democrats, Republicans, old, young, black, white, gay or straight — would demand Joe be removed due to his incapacity to carry out the simplest of tasks, like thinking and talking.

Obama knew Trump was the perfect guy to trigger Joe, and I believe this is why Obama’s White House pushed Biden into doing the debate last night. It was the single worst performance in debate history, as Obama knew it would be, and therefore Harris is getting warmed up to be the nominee.


The media is the most guilty party of all. Each and every day, for years, they have provided cover for Joe, declining to tell the truth about how unfit he is for office.

When it comes to TV, 'Morning Joe' is the worst of them all. There's a clip on my Twitter showcasing the BS from Joe Scarborough, a former RINO congressman who turned into a radical lefty host of the MSNBC morning show. Not more than a few months ago, he said, 'This is the best Biden has ever been.' He also told viewers who didn’t agree with him to 'F-you.'

When it comes to print and social media, The New York Times has blood on its hands. People are dying in America because of Biden’s open borders. They are losing everything they had saved in the bank due to high interest rates and wild inflation. Our country’s military is a joke, our presence on the world stage is hideous, and Biden is to blame. Yet, The New York Times never holds him accountable; they turn a blind eye.

But what a difference a week can make. Look at the screenshot below; it wasn’t more than a week ago that The New York Times was suggesting the videos we share of Biden looking and sounding mentally challenged were 'deep fakes, cheap fakes.' Today, they are calling for him to resign over his mentally challenged performance.

The media has been given its instructions from Obama — it's time to plant in Joe’s head that he can’t win and that he must bow out with grace. Obama and his proxy workers will pound the message that it's time for Kamala Harris to shine. Be prepared to see her on every liberal TV network 24/7 for the next few weeks.

I despise the media. I find it to be the worst form of malpractice. After ignoring her for 3.5 years and relegating her to meaningless trips and meetings, they now plan to champion her greatness. CNN wasted no time; last night, Anderson Cooper held an interview with VP Harris, during which I suspect a camera filter was used to make her look more dreamy. After the interview, one of the far-left panelists told Cooper, 'I think that was one of her best interviews ever.'

Let's not forget, Harris was the 'border czar,' and her role was to solve the immigration issue. Whoever Trump picks as VP, when he or she debates Harris later this summer, they best be prepared to slam Madam Vice President for playing her role in seeing to it that 50 million illegals are living in this country, staying in free hotels, getting free phones, stealing jobs, not paying taxes, selling drugs, shooting cops, and raping and killing innocent women.

I predict these things correctly every time. Despite her poor polling numbers, mark my words: it's VP Harris to the rescue. It's Obama's plan — he controlled Joe, and now he aims to control Kamala. However, there are three significant issues Obama and the media will have to overcome.

Firstly, many people, including the press, dislike Harris and perceive her as not very intelligent. Upstaging Joe should be straightforward, but for Harris, it's akin to the movie 'Dumb & Dumber.'

Secondly, Democrats harbor such intense disdain for Trump that they fear Harris stands no chance. Consequently, millions of liberals will advocate for someone else, such as Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA).

Thirdly, Jill Biden. This morning, there are two videos on my Twitter. The first shows Jill leading Joe off stage after the debate. He looks remarkably old. The second video captures Jill speaking to Joe as if he were in preschool: 'Joe, you did so well, you answered all the questions.'

Jill is unlikely to want Joe to relinquish power because she won’t want to let go of her position as First Lady. Therefore, brace yourself for rumors about Michelle and Barack secretly meeting with Jill. It's coming.


So, how did Trump do? I have mixed feelings on this, and so do others. A buddy of mine, Tom, sent me a text while I was writing this newsletter. Here is what he wrote:

I don’t agree with Tom; Trump did much better than a D. I’d give him a B+. The problem is he was up against a guy barely able to speak — raspy throat, dementia moments, and no accomplishments to tout. It should have been an A+. Die-hard Trump supporters, who only see greatness in him (which is as big a mistake as only seeing flaws), may overlook how many opportunities Trump left on the table.

For the sake of brevity (and because I’m running late today), I’ll use my podcast to focus on Trump’s performance: where he was strong, where he missed the mark, and what happens next for the former president. He has a VP to pick, a prison sentencing to address, and a world to fix.

Join me today on the DML NEWS PODCAST. The video is exclusively on, where we have added many new members recently. We had such a great time last night during the LIVE watch podcast, with well over 1,400 members on the LIVE CHAT last night. It was great.


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Until tomorrow. God bless you.


Yes, Democrats Can Replace Joe. Here is How…


The Debate: Why Obama May Want DT to Win.