Yes, Democrats Can Replace Joe. Here is How…

Today is June 29. Today’s FUTURE READY op-ed is about Biden’s next move.


Each weekend, I publish FUTURE READY, an op-ed highlighting a topic shaping our nation's future. This week, my op-ed offers insight into Joe Biden's world following the worst presidential debate performance in American history. We start with the far-left news outlet, The New York Times, calling for Joe to drop out.


"President Biden has repeatedly and rightfully described the stakes in this November’s presidential election as nothing less than the future of American democracy."

"Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year."

They added, “"The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence."  

They continued, "But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election."

I find this hysterical, but somehow I am not laughing. I am pissed off beyond belief. How dare they insult our intelligence. Is The NY Times serious? Did they live under a rock for the past three years — heck, how about the last three months. Biden has been drooling and stumbling every week now for a long period of time. Earlier this month, while in France, he looked and acted just like he did at the debate.

The entire press pool is doing the same thing — all of them pretending like they all woke up from a long nap only to find a completely different Joe. Excuse me in advance, but it needs to be said: THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT. The media is in collusion — the new anti-Joe narrative is all by design; planned well in advance. My opinion is this: the mastermind is Barrack.


If you read my newsletter yesterday and the FUTURE READY op-ed last week, then you know I believe Biden's decline is precisely what Obama desires. I think he orchestrated the entire situation — from encouraging Biden to debate Trump, to now having the media go full court press against Joe — how else would the NY Times shift from supporting the old man to ousting him within 24 hours? MY ANSWER: Obama issued the directive.

However, like all great magicians, I think Obama is blurring his tracks — making it hard for people to believe he’s got anything to do with Joe’s eventual removal. Obama has only one play here — go on stage and show admiration and support for the big guy. Then, when the curtain drops, work behind the scenes — force Joe to start packing his stuff — it’s time for Kamala.

Obama tweeted on Friday the following:
Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.

Fox News reported yesterday exactly what I predicted. Rumor is this: Obama is trying to get a meeting with Joe and Jill to discuss his “voluntary retirement.”

I can only imagine that conversation. It starts out nice, but then it turns real ugly when Jill shows the monster she is. But then again, they’re all monsters.


Following the presidential debate, various polls have shown a shift in voter sentiment. A Leger poll indicated a significant lead for Donald Trump over Joe Biden, with Trump securing 50% compared to Biden's 42%. Notably, Trump also led in New Jersey, a traditionally blue state, with 41% to Biden's 40%, as per a Coefficient poll.

It is clear that Biden has no chance of winning after his poor debate showing. Democrats wouldn't dare attempt the kind of “maneuvers” seen in 2020, when Joe Biden miraculously won the election from his basement.

Never forget, the man was rejected in Iowa and New Hampshire. I think it took Obama to step in and demand every candidate drop out and coalesce around the old man for Joe to take the nomination in 2020. But this is 2024, Joe is barely a shell of himself — he has no chance for victory without election theft. Not even the lying pundits on MSNBC would try selling how Biden was able to garner 81 million votes this time around.

So what’s next?
Democrats, top to bottom, are feverishly working to replace Biden as the party’s nominee, a scenario not unprecedented in U.S. history. In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson stunned the nation by announcing his decision not to seek reelection just over seven months before the election.

Biden will not officially be nominated until August, allowing time for potential changes. Several scenarios could unfold: Biden could voluntarily step aside before his nomination; he could face challenges from others seeking to win over his accrued delegates; or he could withdraw after the Democratic convention in Chicago, leaving the Democratic National Committee to elect a replacement to run against Trump.

The process largely hinges on Biden’s decisions. He would need to agree to step down or contend with challengers attempting to force him out at this late stage, though there have been no direct challenges from opponents and Biden has shown no inclination to step aside.

If Biden were to step down, the nearly 4,000 delegates he has amassed could become free agents, able to vote for another candidate. A competition among Democratic candidates would likely ensue, driven largely by those who can’t stand looking at Kamala Harris. Obama wants Harris — so this scenario tests Obama’s pull with donors, delegates, and DNC leaders.

In the event of a nominee being chosen, candidates would need signatures from 600 convention delegates. In 2024, there are expected to be approximately 4,672 delegates, including pledged and superdelegates. A brokered convention might occur if no candidate secures a majority, similar to the last Democratic convention of this kind in 1952.

Should Biden step down after the convention, the Democratic National Committee’s 435 members would convene to select a new nominee. These members, representing various groups including labor, LGBTQ, and racial minorities, would meet in a special session to make their decision.

To nominate a replacement candidate, potential nominees would need to garner support from a specified number of DNC members, determined by the DNC’s rules committee. Nominating speeches and votes would likely take place, with ballots potentially being collected and counted in person or virtually if necessary close to Election Day on November 5th.

In short, the process is as risky as jumping into a shark tank thinking you won’t be eaten alive. But reading Obama’s tweet from yesterday, you can see how he will try to sell it as just another dip in the pool.


Obama has the ability to sway most Democrats to his will, but convincing Joe and Jill to quit won’t be so easy. Biden is a stubborn old man, set in his ways and in denial. He spent his entire life chasing the presidency. Additionally, Jill enjoys the attention she's receiving and loves being in the White House, playing a significant role in day-to-day operations.

Obama will need to pull out all his guns to persuade Joe to drop out, and if Joe refuses, rest assured Obama will use any leverage he has. Meaning, Obama knows where Joe buried the bodies — he will remind him of such. But then again, Joe knows where Obama hid the stolen treasure. Assuming Joe can remember that far back.

This ugly situation has been so predictable — I have seen it coming each day for nearly a year. Joe's decline has worsened each and every minute, and Obama saw it unfold in real time. Thus, I have no doubt Obama has a plan at the ready. And if his plan fails, then we know China will try to help fix the messy situation on Election Day. Can lightning strike twice, I wonder?

Never underestimate a Democrat.
For as long as Obama is the king, liberals will always find a way, even if it means taking the low road. But what goes around comes around, and when you cheat, steal, and lie, eventually it catches up to you. Therefore, after we win in November, I'd like Trump to reopen every investigation into the 2020 election and see who it ties back to. You already know who I think it is, no need for me to write it.



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Until Monday. God bless you.
