Good morning. Today is July 20.

As part of the Great American Newsletter, I publish an op-ed called FUTURE READY on weekends, which highlights a topic shaping our nation's future. This week, my op-ed offers insight into how Joe Biden prevents Democrats from repeating 2020 via shenanigans.

Mr. Shenanigans, and his preferred candidate.

If you're a member of TeamDML and you tune-in to my daily program, The DML News Podcast, then you know I have many questions about 2020. To this day, I feel as if those questions have never been answered.

Was there an incredible amount of shenanigans during the 2020 election?
Just for asking this question, the media will label me an 'election denier.' I'll wear that label as a badge of honor because it signifies that I don't accept empty explanations. I won't buy into the BS until ‘they’ substantiate it with undeniable proof from forensic audits conducted transparently. Until such evidence is provided, I have every right to ask questions.

My questions focus on the shenanigans, questioning whether they were widespread and carried out in various formats across numerous states.

My questions begin with a statement of fact: The media played a dirty role leading up to the election. Supported by social media giants, they lied to us constantly about Covid, Trump's record, and so many other things that it's impossible to list them all.

If there were indeed shenanigans, I have questions about whether it involved China, Russia, Never Trump Republicans, Soros, or the Democrat Party — perhaps a combination of all five. Either way, my questions focus on the results, both digitally and via ballots.

Digitally, I have seen and heard enough to question whether flash drives were used? These drives are allegedly loaded with sophisticated software that can change vote tabulations. Additionally, I would like to finally see the server logs that either prove or deny whether online hackers manipulated tallies via servers that should never have been connected to the web. For instance, I interviewed Karen Fann. She is the Arizona Republican state senator who spearheaded the election audit. From our chat, I am led to believe that Democrats never handed over the server logs. If this is true, why not?

The COVID messiness created many questions, none bigger than why the sudden need for mail-in ballots to protect people from getting the sniffles?

COVID-influenced balloting provided a perfect petri dish for corruption to fester. Therefore, I question whether droves of legitimate ballots bearing votes for Trump were destroyed or manipulated. Videos, statements from election volunteer workers, and voters themselves suggest wrongdoing took place, yet it was all dismissed. Why?

Add to that the accusations of illegal ballot harvesting and mafia-like ballot counting (2 for me, 1 for you). None of this has never been fully addressed. Why?

How many illegal aliens voted? How many dead people? How many individuals voted multiple times? Why have these questions been dismissed time and again by the media, politicians, and courts?

The media is the most guilty of parties because it covered up everything in my opinion.

For example, I think Fox News is as slimy as CNN. In my opinion, the network is run by dishonest people, many of whom are liberal and exert control over their hosts while covering up just about everything they can. Recently, it was confirmed to me that I'm on Fox’s 'do not book list,' effectively barring me from ever appearing on the network again. Why? I’m told, that in part, it is because while I was on air with Megyn Kelly, I refused to call the surge of illegal aliens children that took place during Obama’s time in office as a 'humanitarian crisis.' By being blacklisted, I join the likes of Tucker Carlson — I'll wear that as a badge of honor.

I find it incredibly suspicious how Fox News paid out nearly $800 million to an 'election service provider' without putting up any sort of strong legal fight. I think a network does that sort of thing if it’s got something to cover up. To support my theory, why fire Tucker Carlson, the most successful man in cable news history, without ever providing an explanation? And why did Fox call Arizona so quickly?

I realize the questions I'm posing here today are age-old, stemming back many years. Trust me when I tell you, I'd prefer to receive genuine answers to each one proving that Biden truly won. It would shock and concern me to know how many people are voting for the kind of hell we've been living through, but I would accept the results and just lament the state of our country.

However, these questions are never fully answered; they're dismissed with vague responses like, 'Experts and courts have confirmed the results.'

Which experts?

Which courts?

I recall courts tossing out lawsuits before they ever saw the light of day, meaning cases never made it to day one inside a courtroom. Instead, they got thrown out based on a judge’s opinion pre-trial. I do not recall a single election case going through the same legal process Trump has gone through umpteen times this year.

My questions, though rooted in yesterday's events, are incredibly pertinent today as we are just months away from another significant election. The truth is, these questions are crucial because we should be even more vigilant about potential shenanigans now than we were in 2020.

Many of us question how 81 million Americans found value in Joe Biden. The good folks in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries were very clear in 2020: 'Joe sucks.' But then, suddenly, Biden rose like a phoenix? How did that happen?

What triggered people to believe the old man hiding in his basement was a liberal god? What did he do or say that inspired more votes to be cast than any presidential candidate in history?

Did 81 million Americans truly hate Donald Trump so much that they would prefer skyrocketing interest rates, rampant inflation, open borders, an expensive war in Ukraine, and all the other asinine policies and decisions Joe has delivered?

Lastly, we went to bed overly confident the election was won in 2020, only to wake up shocked. Then for months we saw videos, first-hand sworn affidavits, on-camera interviews, and very smart people providing very credible evidence that was ignored by the media, politicians, and most shockingly, the courts. Why, was it all ignored? Why can Hillary Clinton suggest her election was stolen, but Trump cannot?

Am I crazy for questioning the concerted push from the biggest liars in America who drowned us with the narrative that Trump was spreading "the big lie" when suggesting he won? Not one person in the media or on the left side of the aisle found it strange that Biden captured so many votes while running his campaign from a bunker, especially when tens of thousands of people showed up for every Trump rally? Does nobody find that strange, even today?

I repeat for emphasis: Over the past 3.5 years, social media companies, mainstream media outlets, DC agencies, and politicians from both sides of the aisle have pushed the same insulting narrative that there's no reason to investigate evidence suggesting foul play. These are the same people who assured us the jab would be 100% safe and effective. They are the same individuals who misled us about Benghazi, attributing it to a YouTube video. They are the same personalities who falsely claimed you could keep your doctor if you like your doctor when they knew you could not. These are the same officials who covered up Hunter's laptop, Hillary's server, and led the charge in falsely accusing Trump for conspiring with Putin (aka "Russia Collusion.") They are the same liberal figures who purposely ignored Joe Biden's cognitive decline until they no longer could because he mentally stumbled in front of the world during the debate.

Weeks leading up to the debate, some of the biggest liars in America were telling us via the TV screen that Joe Biden was a fantastic president, and things in America are going better than ever, and Joe is ready to lead us for another four years. They were also stating he is razor sharp, and accused us of editing videos to make Joe look stupid and old. They doubled down by suggesting it is Trump who is unwell. Now, these same people are calling for Joe to step down because he doesn't mentally or physically measure up to Trump.

They have lied to us so many times. How are we supposed to believe that the one time they are being honest is about the 2020 election?

I repeat for emphasis: They tell us the courts determined the 2020 elections were legitimate, and so the conversation stops there. Why?

We've seen how reputable the courts are with Trump. Apart from the one honorable judge in Florida who recently dismissed the Mar-a-Lago document case, the rest have shown how corrupt, biased, and unfair the court systems have become.

No one with a brain can justify what unfolded in NYC during the E. Jean Carrol case, or the outrageous $500 million fine imposed on Trump for assigning market values to his properties confirmed by banks and insurance companies, or the hush money issue where Trump was found guilty for recording a check to his lawyer as a legal expense.

Go past Trump. How about every judge from coast to coast who released a rapist, killer, lifelong criminal, illegal alien, or child molester without bail so that the offense can be repeated? These are the courts and judges we are supposed to trust?

2024 & JOE
Joe Biden is a train wreck, especially when compared to Trump.

Trump gets shot in the ear and is pounced on by ten Secret Service agents, yet he still manages to get up with his fist pumping, calling on Americans to “fight, fight, fight”. Had Biden been shot in the ear and tackled to the ground, he’d still be in the hospital recovering from a broken hip and a loss of hearing.

Trump gets shot, and then 48-hours later shows up at the RNC. He is on the road, probably sleeping very little, and yet he still delivers a standing speech for 90-minutes. Afterward, he travels by plane to a funeral and then heads to Michigan for a massive rally, where he delivers another 90-minute speech. At 78-years-old, he seems to be going on 48. Meanwhile, Biden struggles to stand on his own two feet without tripping over himself, and he can't speak for 90-seconds without resembling someone from a Visiting Angels commercial.

In short, Biden is Mr. Magoo on steroids, Trump is Superman with a belly.

With the above in mind, the Democrats are not foolish. They know that not even Moses could come down from Heaven and beat Trump in this election. Trump, much like Reagan in 1984, is poised to win 2024 in a historic landslide that will be celebrated in books for hundreds of years to come. So, why not allow Biden to finish what he started? Why not use the remaining time and money to focus on winning races in the Senate and House?

If you're Obama, and you know your candidate has no chance against Trump, it would be smart to pour everything into keeping control of one of the chambers because it's the only way to prevent Trump from leading a conservative resurgence.

The left isn't doing what it should if it genuinely wanted to play fair. They aren't focusing on limiting Trump's leadership ability; they want him completely removed. Hence, the efforts to replace Biden so they can carry out more shenanigans. (Hence, the assassination attempt, but that’s another newsletter).

If Biden remains the candidate, there's no way the left can attempt the same shenanigans as they did in 2020. They would expose their questionable tactics. If they manipulate the 2024 election, they would not only be caught, but they would also delegitimize the 2020 election. Essentially, they would provide answers to my questions without actually giving a real answer.

There's no chance Democrats and their pals within the media, nor the social media giants, could even attempt to sell a Biden victory in his current state. Therefore, I feel the overall strategy is to replace Biden and introduce someone else. Although I know in my heart Obama wants it to be a woman of color like Kamala, truth is the identity of this person matters less as long as they can talk and walk better than Joe.

Even someone as unelectable as Kamala Harris could be portrayed as a "Trump alternative." The narrative would again be that so many people dislike Trump that Harris was elected. The same shenanigans we question in 2020 could be repeated in 2024. The same questionable politicians, media platforms, pundits, and judges could ensure Harris becomes the victor and Trump the loser.

With Joe in the way, shenanigans cannot occur at all. Everyone knows it, but nobody on either side is willing to admit it openly. Have you heard anyone of influence who appears on Fox News suggest what I've written here today? Of course not.

I asked members of TeamDML, users of the DML News App, and my Facebook followers to provide some thoughts on the topic. Here is a small collection of what people had to say:

Tracy G: We all know that as bad as Joey is, Kamala is far worse. Joey is a classic dementia patient. I agree with your statement. The Dems will still cheat, it it will be harder keeping Joey in. I hate to say it but they may flip to RFK Jr. He is a totally different nightmare. We should be prepared for anything and everything.

Wendy H: I'm sure the left has made plans for situations like this. I watched a video this morning stating there will be another covid type thing unleashed. They may very well try to stop the election.

Darrin L: I hope and pray the Dem Party loses not only the presidency but also a good number of House and Senate seats. The GOP needs a good super majority in both chambers to reverse the damage the Dem Party has done to the country over the last 4 years and before that when Obama was President. Obama was the one who started the great American decline in the first place!

Hannah S: For all of 2024, I continue to expect the unexpected. While it is humorous to watch the Dems wallow in their misery, I know they have several more tricks up their sleeve.

Jeff R: The Dems could nominate Big Foot and pull the win. They all don't seem to be too worried.

Tony A: I think the main reason the walking mummy is so defiant about stepping down is so he can pardon his criminal son. Just my opinion

Michelle J: They WILL pull another stunt because Joe isn't running the show. This has become Weekend at Bernie's. Someone else is calling the shots, and he wants a 4th term.

All in, the longer Joe sticks around the better is it for Trump supporters. It will be interesting to watch what happens in the week ahead. Democrats have until the start of August to replace Joe. Once the DNC nominates him virtually, which is the plan as of today, there is no turning back. It is sad that we are even discussing these points. In my opinion, if 2020 was indeed legit, Trump would be winding down, and we’d be talking about Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom fighting it out in 2024. Crazy what Covid did to this country.

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