MASS DEPORTATION: How it must work.

Good morning. Today is July 28.

As part of the Great American Newsletter, I publish an op-ed called FUTURE READY on weekends. The op-ed highlights a topic shaping our nation's future. This week, I offer insight into how a deportation movement can happen.

NOTE: I send out a newsletter every weekday and once on the weekend. If you’re not receiving the weekday editions, please check your spam or junk folders. If you find it there, move it to your inbox.

I posted two videos to the DML NEWS APP on Saturday, and they are starkly contrasting. In the first video, Kamala Harris, who is miraculously climbing in the polls as of now, speaks to an audience, urging them to find the resolve to stop using the term ‘illegal alien.’ She also said we have to stop using the term ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ (see video)

In the second video, Trump’s running mate, Senator JD Vance, addresses a rally in Minnesota and delivers a clear message to illegal aliens: “Pack your bags.” (see video)

A recent survey indicates that a majority of Americans support mass deportation, countering the left-leaning media's portrayal of Americans as supporters of amnesty who view migrants as people simply seeking a better life. My observations align with this reality: many Americans are opposed to unchecked immigration. Given this perspective, if the election process is fair and free from fraud, the Trump/Vance ticket should have a significant advantage on immigration issues alone.

As you might expect, the radical left media wants you to believe that the number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is relatively small. Last week, NBC News reported the following: “During the June 29 presidential debate, Trump claimed there were 18 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. One of the two former Trump officials suggested the number could be as high as 30 million.

The most recent government estimate indicates that just under 11 million illegals were living in the U.S. as of January 1, 2022, an increase of 500,000 from two years prior but a decrease from the 2010 total of 11.6 million.”

Keep in mind that during Biden’s 3.5 years in office, we have seen record-breaking border crossings, with some months exceeding 300,000. At the Canadian border, we’ve admitted more illegals this fiscal year than in the previous 13 years combined. Therefore, any person or media outlet that believes the government statistics is either an idiot or a liar — maybe both. Given Biden’s policies that have effectively opened the borders to all, and based on how many illegals have entered our country since the mass migration days of George W. Bush and Barrack Obama, it's plausible that we are currently hosting around 45 million illegals from hundreds of countries.  

Regardless of the current number of illegals, undertaking a mass deportation effort will be challenging. Achieving a level of being completely free of illegal aliens will be costly and labor-intensive if not managed properly.

During the Trump years there were an estimated 935,089 deportations, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement data. As of February, there have been an estimated 339,751 deportations during the Biden administration.

The ICE budget for transportation and deportation in 2023 was $420 million, and in that year the agency deported 142,580 people, according to NBC News.

The costs of deportation can vary significantly depending on factors like the destination country, commercial flight expenses, security requirements, and the need for charter flights. Given these variables, there is considerable debate over the current number of illegal immigrants in the country. If NBC News’s figures are accurate, deporting 10 million people could cost tens of billions of dollars. However, if my estimate is correct, the cost could exceed $100 billion.

Before you get upset about the price tag, keep in mind how much it costs to keep them here. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) provides an annual estimate of the cost of keeping illegals in the U.S. For the fiscal year 2023, this estimate is $150 billion. This figure, which increases each year, is based on the number of illegals in the country.

Keep in mind that FAIR tends to use a conservative estimate for the number of illegals in the U.S. The $150 billion figure is based on an estimate of 15.5 million illegals. Therefore, if NBC’s estimate of 10 million is accurate, the cost of maintaining them annually would be around $100 billion. In this context, a one-time deportation cost, even if it runs into the tens of billions, can be seen as a worthwhile investment compared to the ongoing expenses of keeping illegals in the country.

Conversely, if my estimate is accurate and there are 45 million illegal immigrants, the annual cost would be $450 billion. In this scenario, deporting them all would result in significant savings—potentially hundreds of billions—within just one year.

This is where it gets challenging. At present, the process of removing illegals is a legal and logistical nightmare. The reality is that it is nearly impossible to track down millions of illegal immigrants with the relatively small number of ICE employees we have. As a result, the focus has been on targeting illegals who are hardened criminals such as gang members, drug traffickers, and murderers.

Sadly, the current approach is ineffective. For example, in my film ‘They Come to America’, I interviewed a mother who lost her daughter to an illegal. Here’s a brief summary: Her husband and daughter worked alongside an illegal, whom we'll refer to as Jose. They worked together for years without any issues. In fact, on Friday nights, Jose would join all the employees at the bar for a cocktail.

That was until one Friday night, when Jose tried to have sex with the daughter. She refused. So, Jose drove her to an open field. He suffocated her; then chopped her body into pieces; then lit her on fire; then stuffed her in the trunk; and then drove to the bar to have a drink with the father who asked Jose if he knew the whereabouts of his daughter.

The point is, waiting to deport individuals like Jose until after they have committed serious crimes is unacceptable. It’s a flawed approach. We need to remove these individuals before they have the opportunity to commit such heinous acts. But rounding up the illegals will not work. As noted, we do not have the manpower. Instead, what needs to take place is a multi-faceted approach.

1. Continue apprehending the most dangerous illegal immigrants through ICE and deport all those currently in our prison system. To expand this practice, we should not only hire more ICE agents, but offer them assistance from local sheriff departments.

2. Explain to countries such as Mexico that if they do not pay the U.S. for the removal of their citizens illegally in the U.S., they will no longer receive any foreign aid, protection, or legal visas.

3. Begin raids on companies where illegal aliens are employed in large numbers. Live stream the raids to ensure full transparency and eliminate any confusion about how they are conducted. By implementing this approach, the illegals will lose their source of income and will be compelled to return to their home countries.

4. Taking #3 a step further, LIVE STREAM the arrest of the business owners. This will cause Americans to stop hiring the illegal aliens. The job market for illegals will dry up. Not only will this result in self-deportation, but migrants will stop coming.

5. Assuming Trump wins, he must announce an incentive plan: If you, the illegal alien, self-deport within six months, you will be allowed to keep your money and apply for legal status from your home country. You will not be punished for being here illegally, but you will be placed at the back of the line for consideration for legal reentry. For those who do not leave, you will be caught. When caught, you will forfeit all your money, and you and your entire family will be deported together, with no chance for any of the family members to apply for legal immigration.

6. In the same announcement, Trump should warn all employers of illegal aliens that they will face 90 days in jail per illegal alien on their payroll. Employers will also be fined $10,000 for each illegal alien on the payroll. Additionally, they will be taxed for a full year on the estimated amount of taxes they failed to pay for that illegal alien, plus interest. Repeat offenders will forfeit their businesses and face no less than five years in prison for each infraction.

My first six initiatives are not extremely easy, but they are not extremely hard either. In short, these measures are feasible if there is a strong will to implement them. If we do not curb the influx of people and do not deport those here illegally, our country cannot continue to thrive. Everything we value is being disrupted, and the costs—both human and financial—are staggering. While I have outlined six key actions, the list of potential measures is extensive. Ultimately, we need to incentivize illegal immigrants to leave voluntarily. This approach would not only reduce deportation costs but also lower the expenses associated with keeping them here. The plan could be highly effective.

CLOSING: On July 31, my offer to join TeamDML for just $18 will end. Typically, an annual membership costs $200. In this crucial election year, I’m offering this discount to encourage you to join my team and help combat mainstream media narratives. Your membership will give you access to all our content, podcasts, live chats, and ad-free news. Without new members, I won’t be able to continue my work. For only $1.50 per month, you can support my efforts and ensure that I can keep delivering valuable content. Otherwise, at 55, I might consider retiring, writing a few books about my experiences, and playing golf on Sundays instead of writing op-eds about illegal aliens. It’s up to you where I go next. So, I hope you will go to


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Kamala’s Credit: Iranian and Venezuelan Killers in America
