Good morning. Today is Aug 8.

I am covering Taylor Swift concerts being cancelled over terror threats, Trump wants to debate Harris, Walz runs from his service record, another illegal alien nightmare, top ten, the Adventures of DML, plus so much more. Please share!




When I was young, if I was walking around in a fog, my father would say to me, “Either wake up, or you’re going to get a swift kick in the ass.” With this in mind, I hope Taylor Swift can awake from the fairy tale fog she is living in real fast.

Considering Swift is a clueless liberal, it should come as no shock that she recently posted an Instagram photo that led many to believe she will endorse Queen Kamala. However, today, she might think twice about endorsing a pro-Hamas politician after having to cancel her concerts due to Islamic terrorists.

Yesterday, it was announced that three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria have been cancelled following the arrest of two men who were reportedly planning a Islamic-inspired terror attack in the Vienna region.

Swift was scheduled to perform three shows in Vienna starting today, Thursday, August 8, thru Saturday, August 10. Barracuda Music, the promoter for her Austrian concerts, confirmed the cancellations on Wednesday.

“Due to confirmation from government officials regarding a planned terrorist attack at Ernst Happel Stadium, we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows to ensure everyone’s safety,” Barracuda Music stated on social media.

At a press conference, police revealed that a 19-year-old Austrian, who they identified as an Islamic State sympathizer, was arrested Wednesday morning in Ternitz, Lower Austria. Another arrest was made later that day in Vienna.

“The suspects were radicalized through the internet. The 19-year-old from Lower Austria pledged allegiance to the current Islamic State leader at the beginning of July,” police said.

Authorities also reported that the suspects had taken “concrete preparatory measures” for a terrorist attack, with suspicions that explosives were stored at the Ternitz suspect’s home.

To make matters worse, it was also reported that the man hiring security for the Taylor Swift concerts was aiding the jihadis.

I find it insulting and dangerous that the woke Austrian authorities dare to suggest that these two young radicals were raised as non-violent, love-filled Muslims who rejected Islamic extremism until they were allegedly 'radicalized through the internet.’

According to the media, Islam is the religion of love and peace. Thus, I wonder why all those years of learning about Islam at their local mosque weren’t enough to teach them the basic ‘tenets of Islam’ and thus, keep them from becoming radicals. What am I missing?

Considering I didn’t graduate from college, some might view my questions as uneducated, but I must ask, with all due respect to non-violent Muslims, why didn’t the imams at the mosque educate the would-be terrorists to the point where they’d reject the dangerous jihadi influencers who troll online? I mean, come on folks, everyone is online these days and yet, we never hear about Christians or Catholics threatening to blow up Taylor Swift and her swifty fans. You never hear about Hindus wanting to blow up Israel. You never hear Protestants calling for the death the America.

Could it be that the internet played no role? Meaning, the Islamic sympathizers were radicalized from reading the Quran.

Could it be the young radicals were taught to focus on the last chapters of the Quran which encourages extreme violence?

My guess is they were radicals from the get-go, but I could be wrong. Either way, who I am to guess simply because I lived 9-11?

According to the media, and the Biden / Harris Administration, I’m just another dumb, White male Trump supporter with a crucifix hanging from his neck. In fact, according to the Biden / Harris administration, my demographic is the biggest threat to society. You’re probably much like me in the sense you’re likely on a gov’t watch list. Question is why? Could it be that donation of $11 to Tunnels to Towers each month.

The Muslim world does not try to hide it — they openly state they want Islam to take over the world. Thus, they have their hands meddling in most liberal-led governments because they know the politically correct will always apologize and bow down.

The worldwide cover up of Islamic extremism is so widespread, that it’s a matter of time before the most dangerous of terrorists get their hands on nukes. Once they do, make no mistake, they’ll try to make it lights out for people like you, me, and Miss Swifty.

Let us rename her, Taylor Not-So-Swift.

I wonder if Not-So-Swift will rethink her political leanings now that she’s the victim of a terror threat. Somebody, please go online and tell her that Kamala is the border czar! Not-So-Swift needs to know that Kamala has allowed Islamic terrorists, including many from ISIS, to enter our country through the border. She must then tell all the tens of millions of people who follow her online that Kamala is a radical. Lord knows the media won’t do it.

How long until the terrorists target a Taylor Not-So-Swift concert here in the U.S.? Or how about a Kansas City Chiefs game, when Not-So-Swift is cheering for her Superbowl boyfriend like a teenager with a free pass to the VIP box.

Having lived 9/11 — having run from the Twin Towers — I pain at the thought of terrorists causing hurt and death on anyone — be they liberal, conservative, or otherwise. But my gut tells me there is going to be a terror attack on U.S. soil sooner than later because of the Biden / Harris border policies. I hope I am 100% wrong! I hope the feds get in front of the sort of attack that takes innocent lives. I hope the liberals like Not-So-Swift wake up before innocent people get the sort of swift kick in the ass that is permanent.


POLL: Should Trump debate Kamala on ABC News?
Take the poll , click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
 Will the choice of Tim Walz help Kamala Harris’ chances of winning?

Yes 5%
No 87%
Unsure 8%


TRUMP 2024


President Trump accused Kamala Harris of avoiding presidential debates during an appearance on Fox News. 

Trump committed to debating Harris with Fox News moderators on September 4 instead of on ABC News, prompting Harris to claim he was trying to back out. Trump told Fox that he is eager to debate Harris to highlight her record ahead of the 2024 election, no matter who ultimately hosts the debate. 

Initially scheduled to debate Biden on ABC in mid-September, Trump expressed concerns about ABC News moderators, particularly given his ongoing defamation lawsuit against George Stephanopoulos. He also questioned the appropriateness of Stephanopoulos moderating the debate amidst their legal conflict.

Trump refuted Harris's campaign's claim that he is "running scared" and relying on Fox News to "bail him out." 

Yesterday, I spoke about the importance of Trump debating Harris. The short video is available on my Facebook page. Watch it by clicking here.


ALSO: A crazy new poll, which was highlighted by Breitbart News, suggests huge upside for Harris. Breitbart writes, “Two weeks ago, the share of the broader public who expected Harris to win rose to 40 percent, and the share of Harris supporters who expected their candidate to win jumped to 80 percent. Donald Trump's share of voters who expect him to win fell 10 points to 42 percent. Most notably, the share of Trump supporters who thought he would win fell to 87 percent—an eight point decline in a single week.

The big shift happened in the most recent survey. Harris now leads among voters when it comes to who they think will win, at forty percent versus Trump's 38 percent. Among Harris supporters,
81 percent say they think she will win. Among Trump supporters, 81 percent say they think he'll win—down another six points from the survey one week prior and down 14 points over the past week. The once wide political optimism gap between supporters of Trump and his Democrat rival has closed.”

MY TAKE: This polling stuff is total BS. Watch my FB LIVE Walk & Talk from last night for clarity on how the polls are manipulated.



Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) chickened out and ran away after being questioned about alleged lies regarding his military resume. 

Following a brief address with Kamala Harris in Wisconsin, where Harris lauded Walz's achievements, reporters from a distance began shouting questions. One reporter persistently asked Walz about comments from Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) and others concerning his embellished military career. 

Walz quickly ran away as questions started, leaving Harris in a photo op. When the reporter continued, Walz and his team rushed to black SUVs, seemingly abandoning Harris on the tarmac.

Walz is accused of falsifying his rank in the National Guard, and then retiring immediately after learning he was being called upon to serve in Iraq. What a chicken! I spoke about this at length yesterday at the outset of my podcast, which you can listen to by clicking here.



ONE OF THE 800,000


If being Border Czar means allowing violent people into the country illegally at huge numbers, then Queen Kamala is the best czar in history.

Police arrested illegal alien Alberto Martinez-Fidel in connection with a Sunday morning shooting in Montgomery, Alabama. 

Martinez is accused of causing serious injuries to another resident by shooting him in the back and buttocks. Limited details about the victim were provided, but court documents indicate Martinez allegedly shot the victim at close range with a handgun. 

Martinez was booked into the Montgomery County Detention Facility on a First Degree Assault charge, with bond set at ONLY $30,000 according to WSFA12.

A spokesperson for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Martinez is a Mexican national illegally in the U.S.

Martinez’s lack of prior immigration records suggests he entered the U.S. illegally without encountering Border Patrol, potentially making him one of the over 800,000 known got-aways reported by U.S. Border Patrol in the past three years.



The stories you need to know this morning: One click to read them all.

1. Lawsuits: RNC Challenging States’ Acceptance of Late Mail-In Ballots

2. Mortgage demand roars back to life as rates drop to lowest level in a year

3. Yellen under fire from Senate Republican for big-ticket pledge to global Pandemic Fund

4. ESPN Sportscaster Makes It Clear He Thinks Men Do Not ‘Belong In Women’s Sports’

5. Deadly storm unleashing final days of wrath as vacation hotspots hit with major flooding (plus, cool alligator video)

6. Popular sugar substitute linked to increased risk of heart attack, stroke

7. Steve Martin refuses Tim Walz role on 'SNL' despite pleas from fans

8. Plot to attack Taylor Swift show in Austria linked to Islamic State

9. Bernie Sanders Says Sticking to Progressive Economic Policies is Key to Harris-Walz Win

10. Boeing Starliner crew may have to wait until 2025 to return from ISS



I have an email address dedicated to monitoring the ongoing activity of the Democrat nominee. It is crazy how many times in one day the Harris / Walz campaign begs for money. Yesterday alone, I received 11 emails asking for a donation.

DML CBD Testimonial.
Please keep in mind, I do not make any claims regarding my CBD products. Testimonials are opinions shared by customers, and you should always check with your doctor before using cbd products. That said, I received a great testimonial yesterday from a customer of our Miracle Me Body Pain Relief Oil. The Miracle Me product is mine — I own the formula — you will not find it anywhere in the world other than on my website DMLcbd.com/Miracle

Here is what she writes:
I usually don’t email companies, but I just must tell you about my wonderful experience with Miracle Me!  That amazing product is great for sore muscles.  I have recommended it to many people.  However, what I would really like to convey to you Dennis, is that it works WONDERS on Shingles!  Yes, Shingles.  My mother recently visited me and she had been suffering with Shingles.  Her particular case was on her back and it itched A LOT!!!  It was driving her crazy.  I applied some miracle me and withing minutes the itching was gone!  Poof!  GONE!  It lasted for hours too!  It was a Godsend for her!  Her rash also got better over the next several days.  I wanted to let you know so that others may benefit from it. 

Carol S

AT #9. Please Help Us Get to #5
The DML Podcast is currently #9 on the Apple Podcast charts for News Commentary. We got as high as #6 Tuesday, but dropped back to #9 this morning. The more people who subscribe, for free, the higher we climb in the ranks—allowing more individuals to be exposed to my truth-telling and pro-Trump message. Even if you already listen or watch the show through other methods, could you please be so kind as to subscribe! Link is here.

ASK DML. Once a week I take questions from my readers / members / listeners. Today, I answer 13 questions sent to me via Facebook. Most of the questions are regarding the election. If you’d like to watch the show, please become a member of TeamDML for just $30 per year.

Send me your feedback: Email me at WeTrustDML@Gmail.com


1. Please support this newsletter by becoming annual member of TeamDML for as little as $30 / year. Go to TeamDML.com

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4. Do not accept pain as something you have to live with — maybe consider DML CBD.

Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,




KAMALA & WALZ: The Most Dangerous Duo