Good morning. Today is Aug 9.

I am covering the Trump press conference, Let Trump be Trump, Kamala and Joe go on the road, Cartel Bombs, top ten, the Adventures of DML, plus so much more. Please share!




President Trump held a one-hour press conference Thursday. As expected, the leftist media outlets asked a wave of asinine questions. Trump knocked them all down. My favorite was about the size of Kamala’s rallies — the reporter was touting how she recently drew a few thousand people. Trump responded by laughing at her crowd size, saying his rally in New Jersey drew over 100,000 attendees and yet, the media ignored it. He added, “If I had a rally with only 2,000 people, you’d report my campaign was over.”

The news media is supposed to hold politicians accountable, but in the case of Trump, they try to take him down. They hate him because he called them out years ago for posting fake news. They loathe him because the media is an extension of everything bad in DC: the Deep State, Obama, the Democrat Party, those who want a One World Order, and bureaucrats who, despite being unelected employees of the government, believe they are the fuel that powers America.

The media has played its hand in trying to unfairly impeach him, bankrupt him, jail him, and kill him. And yet it never works. At 78, he remains ready to fight with the level of energy seen only in someone in their 20s.

With the above in mind, today The DML REPORT isn’t covering news. Instead, I voice my opinion about a recent poll we ran on The DML NEWS APP. We asked if Trump should stop using insults and name-calling against his political rivals and public opponents. More than 4,000 people voted, and the large majority (73%) said they wanted him to stop. I believe this is a mistake.

I used to be one of those people who would plead with Trump to stop the name-calling and act more presidential, like Ronald Reagan. However, I have since changed my position and ask you to consider doing the same. My reasons are numbered below:

1. It is too late in the game.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, and at 78 years old, with an ego the size of Jupiter, Trump is going to follow his instincts. I am more than okay with this strategy, as it has proven effective. Aside from a stolen election, he always comes out on top.

2. We can't have it both ways.
We can't expect someone who gets shot in the ear and then bounces back ready to fight like a lion to suddenly become tame and act like a lamb. A type-A personality like Trump knows only one mode: FULL THROTTLE. The last thing we want is for Trump to lose his fighting spirit. Sometimes, when you’re in a fight and it’s you versus the world, you have no choice but to hit below the belt, especially if it’s the difference between living and dying.

3. No Fake Trump!
One of the common refrains I’ve heard over the past 20 years is how much people hate “phony politicians.” With this in mind, love him or hate him, we have all come to know who Trump really is. What you see is what you get. If he suddenly changed his approach, people would think something was off. They’d question whether he had some sort of illness or a mental lapse. The one thing about Trump that is refreshing, even when it’s cringe-worthy, is his complete authenticity. Do we really want him to sound fake? No! Can you imagine if he started using soft, measured phrases to describe Kamala Harris? Folks, that’s the sort of thing Mitt Romney did when running against Obama. That’s the sort of thing Gov. Chris Christie did when he hugged Obama during Hurricane Sandy. Let Trump be lovey-dovey with the voters — he needs to verbally assassinate his opponents.

4. Rocky Balboa.
Remember when Rocky was beaten to a near pulp late in the fight? He stood in the center of the ring, bleeding, and begged Apollo Creed to hit him in the face. From a boxing perspective, it made no sense, but it was a strategy only he could understand. Just as Rocky was a nontraditional fighter, Trump is a unique politician. Rocky wanted to get punched in the face because it revved him up to fight harder. For Trump, going after the people who are destroying this country has the same effect. The minute he stops using name-calling tactics and aggressive behavior, you should worry because it would mean he no longer has any fight left in him. It would also suggest that he is playing scared, and his opponents would see right through him.

5. Rattle Them
When Trump was debating in 2016, he used names like “Little Marco” and “Lying Ted.” He made his opponents appear flat-footed, and it worked in winning the nomination. He created “Crooked Hillary,” which helped him win the election. The name-calling throws his challengers off their game. Look at what he did to Ron DeSantis — there’s no better example. On paper, DeSantis was the far better politician. He is more conservative, his track record in Florida is near perfect, and he has no real skeletons or legal battles. He has been married once, with no divorces or scandals involving porn stars, etc. He won his state by a whopping 20 points in his reelection bid, and without an endorsement from Trump. Ron had great momentum before announcing his 2024 candidacy, but once he made it official, Trump pounced on him, unfairly labeling him as part of the establishment. Then Trump started calling him “Ron DeSanctimonious.” That name mentally put the governor on his heels. Ron never stood a chance, and here we are today with Trump as the nominee.

6. Policies
If you listen to a Trump speech, it’s 50 minutes of policy and first-term storytelling, and 10 minutes of name-calling. But the media only cuts clips from the 10 minutes. Keep in mind that if Trump spoke for the full 60 minutes discussing policy, the media wouldn’t play it anyway—they’d pull old clips.

In the end, I have to repeat the old saying: LET TRUMP BE TRUMP.

He is not losing! Please do not believe the polls. I have been doing this for nearly 20 years, and polls are total BS. I run a poll on the DML News app every day. Although I always present the honest results, it would only take a simple click of a button to manipulate them.

If polls were accurate, Hillary would have won in 2016. Polls are nonsense, so you have to take them with a grain of salt. This means I don’t believe Trump was ever up 10 points over Biden. Just as the media and Obama are pushing a false polling narrative that Kamala is neck-and-neck with Trump, they also promoted a false narrative that Trump was up 10 points. They did this to manipulate the situation and try to get rid of Joey. Furthermore, now that he has decided to do debate on ABC NEWS, the world gets to see how much better he is than Queen Kamala.

Keep speaking positively about Trump. Ignore the name-calling as if it isn’t happening, and when you talk to naysayers, focus on immigration, inflation, and global chaos. Explain how Trump will address these issues and how Kamala will make them worse. That’s the message you should spread because it is the truth. If they push back on the name-calling, remind them that everyone does it. I bet the person you’re speaking to has called Trump names themselves. Use the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Inflation, illegal immigration, and nuclear threats—now that stuff hurts.

Stop telling Trump to act differently. As noted, he has escaped death, jail, kangaroo courts, impeachments, and lies being told about him. It's no time to be changing what works.


POLL: Do you think Kamala will agree to the Fox News debate?
Take the poll , click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
 Should Trump debate Kamala on ABC News?

No - 56%

Yes - 39%

Unsure - 5%


TRUMP 2024


As noted above, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are set to face off in their first
debate on September 10, airing on ABC.

At a press conference held at his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, Trump expressed his desire for additional debates, proposing dates on September 4 and September 25, to be aired on Fox News and NBC. He emphasized that some details, such as the audience and locations, were still being finalized. Trump also questioned Harris’s willingness to commit to all three debates.

In response, Harris acknowledged Trump’s agreement to the September 10
debate in a post on X, stating, “I hear that Donald Trump has finally committed to debating me on September 10. I look forward to it.” However, she has only confirmed her participation in the September 10 debate on NBC News and has not commented on the other two proposed debates.



Queen Kamala and Biden are set to embark on their first joint campaign trip next week since Joe withdrew from the 2024 presidential race.

With Biden looking to solidify his legacy during his final months in office, the two will travel to Maryland on Thursday to "discuss the progress they are making to lower costs for the American people.” What progress? Did I miss something?




Cartel drones armed with explosives are increasingly being used just south of Arizona's border with Mexico, raising serious concerns among Senate defense leaders who are advocating for new legislation to combat these dangerous aerial incursions. The Sinaloa Cartel's Los Salazar faction is deploying drones to drop explosives on their rivals, Los Pelones, as part of ongoing clashes in Sonoyta, Mexico — a town located just two miles from the U.S. border, according to an internal bulletin from the U.S. Border Patrol’s Yuma Sector Intelligence Unit.

These drone confrontations along the border are not isolated incidents. In a March congressional hearing, a top general revealed that more than 1,000 drones per month are illegally entering U.S. airspace from Mexico, posing a growing threat to national security. This is part of a broader trend noted by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in 2023, where human smugglers increasingly use drones to surveil Border Patrol activities, further complicating border security efforts.

The Mexican army has also reported that cartels have used drones to drop bombs, killing soldiers in Michoacán, over 1,000 miles from the U.S. border. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Roger Wicker (R-MS) have expressed grave concerns over the U.S.'s insufficient drone detection capabilities. They pointed out that the nation is still relying on outdated Cold War-era radar systems that are inadequate for detecting and tracking small drones at varying altitudes. Most U.S. military bases lack the sensors necessary to identify these small aircraft, leaving a critical gap in the nation’s defense infrastructure. The senators are urging swift action to enhance drone detection technology to protect national security from these emerging threats.



The stories you need to know this morning: One click to read them all.

1. Harris mocked for taking less than 2 minutes of questions after 18 days

2. ‘Absolutely Not’: Retired Border Patrol Chief Says Kamala Harris Never Once Spoke With Him About Border Crisis

3. Trump Tells Breitbart He’ll Solve Ukraine-Russia War ‘Before I Get to the White House, After I’m President-Elect’

4. Tim Walz repeatedly hosted Muslim cleric who celebrated Oct. 7 and shared pro-Hitler website link

5. Newsom stages the fakest clean up video

6. Biden appears confused as he greets World Series champion Texas Rangers at WH for his only public event this week: ‘What am I doing?’

7. Eastern Europe’s armies struggle to enlist young people with war not far away

8. Delta’s top DEI officer jettisons ‘ladies and gentleman’ gate announcements as part of equity push

9. Rosie O’Donnell’s unhinged rant on Trump

10. Johnny Cash Statue Coming To U.S. Capitol



My wife Mary and I are back with a new episode of The Wine & Talk, and as always, it is exclusive for TeamDML members. However, the audio version will be available on Apple Podcasts. I won’t lie — this is a very visual podcast. The Wine & Talk isn’t the same without seeing the faces, photos, videos, and laughing unfold. It launches on Saturday on TeamDML.com. This week, we’ll detail my daughter Ashley’s disease and our experience at the Mayo Clinic. We’ll also dive into the pathetic Olympics, and Mary is hysterical as she goes full blown political — sharing her conspiracy theories about Kamala Harris and the U.S. being attacked by Russians. It’s a very unique program. It airs tomorrow at 5 PM ET.

Reminder, DML CBD one day BOGO is coming on my birthday, Aug 28.

WE DROPPED TO 11, BUT NOW BACK AT #9. Please Help Us Get to #5
The DML Podcast is currently #9 on the Apple Podcasts charts for News Commentary. We reached as high as #6 on Tuesday but dropped back to #9 on Thursday morning. Last night, we fell to #11, but this morning we’ve returned to #9. The more people who FOLLOW the show for free, the higher we climb in the ranks, allowing more individuals to be exposed to my truth-telling and pro-Trump message. Even if you already listen or watch the show through other methods, please consider subscribing! Link is here.

We will talk about an array of topics, including Trump’s press conference. If you’d like to watch the show, please become a member of TeamDML for just $30 per year.

Send me your feedback: Email me at WeTrustDML@Gmail.com


1. Please support this newsletter by becoming annual member of TeamDML for as little as $30 / year. Go to TeamDML.com

2. Like me on Facebook.com/DMLNews App or Follow me on Twitter.com/trustDML

3. Download the DML NEWS APP from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

4. Dive into a great bottle of wine tonight — or maybe wait until tomorrow for the Wine & Talk. Heck, do it both nights — you earned it.

Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,


