RFK Jr Gives Trump and Dump

Good morning. Today is Aug 26.

I am on the road today and can only offer you a DML REPORT. Our normal newsletter returns tomorrow.



I am looking at the betting website, Polymarket, each day to see how the betters are placing their money.  Trump slid 6 points over the past week, and is now losing to Harris 50% to 49%. In other words, she has a slight edge that can change in a moment's notice.  But if the betting line stays as it is -- if Kamala stays the favorite -- it's is a foolish bet.  She doesn't stand a chance. Remember one thing about the world of betting -- the casino always wins.

Over the weekend, Trump and his campaign got a much needed spark when the Democrat-turned-Independent candidate, RFK Jr., dropped out of the race and endorsed the billionaire Republican. And then, earlier this morning, Fox News ran a story claiming the sole Democrat who ran against Biden during the 2024 Democratic primary, Rep. Dean Phillips, said he would accept an invitation to serve in either a Democratic or Republican administrations because he aspires to "help this country in some way, shape or form."  I have been around long enough to know that sort of statement is an olive branch of the political kind.  Phillips, a three-term congressman, launched an uphill challenge against Biden in the Democratic primary but suspended his campaign in March. He, like many Democrats, knows that the media's push for Kamala can only last so long.  Sooner of later she will have to stand on her own.  When she starts answering questions, and is forced to explain her economic policies, she's finished.

With less than three months to go, Trump and RFK Jr. create a very interesting dynamic.  According to RFK Jr., Trump invited him to form a "unity government."

RFK Jr told the press, "We agreed that we'd be able to continue to criticize each other on the issues where we don't agree, but these issues are so important and they're a way of unifying the country."  

I think the majority of Independents will like the "unity" message, as will most voters.  In fact, notwithstanding the freaks who paint their hair blue and champion for Palestine, most voters are hungry for something new.  The average American is tired of the hatred that separates the Right and Left — it keeps the country from moving forward.

According to CNN, a recent New York Times/Siena College poll is showing Kennedy with 6% support in Arizona and Nevada and 5% in Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.  If these numbers move over to Trump, it creates a runaway train.

Going back to the Polymarket odds, Trump currently leads in 4 of the 6 swing states, and by large margins.   I suspect the more he showcases RFK Jr, the more he will pull ahead in those states.

The Trump campaign has grabbed some much needed momentum. In addition to the feel good moment, the RFK Jr announcement stopped the honeymoon press coverage that Harris was enjoying.  

All eyes are back on Trump, and so Kamala is on defense.  In order to get back into the spotlight, she will have to verbally rail on Trump each and every day.  In response, Trump will have to comment on every little remark she makes.  

Most of her nonsense will be about the so-called "Project 25" agenda, which is a highly conservative blueprint for America. Trump denies having any part in forming the plan, but the media has ignored his remarks.  Instead, they make it sound like it’s a doctrine written by the KKK and endorsed by Trump.  It's the furthest thing from the truth, but the Democrats and media don't care.  If it bleeds it leads, and I suspect they must have polling data that shows the Project 25 nonsense scares voters.

To counter the BS, Trump will have to denounce the Project 25 blueprint, and in doing so he may sound less than conservative at times.  He has no choice. The key to winning is for Trump to keep Independent voters on his side.  Thus, between the anti-Project 25 narrative and having RFK Jr as a wingman of sorts, Trump will look and sound more liberal in the weeks ahead.  He has no choice but to move to the center.  Trust me when I say, it's not for real.  It's a tactic every politician must follow in order to attract new voters.

LATER TODAY: On my podcast, exclusively today for TeamDML Members, I interview the founder of True the Vote.  She provided eye-opening information about election integrity and the nuances of fighting for honesty.


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Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,


How Biden & Harris Censored You During COVID
