How Biden & Harris Censored You During COVID

Good morning. Today is Aug 27.

I am covering the Zuckerberg letter of admission on censorship, Trump vows to protect Space Force and announces a new book; Harris wants a rule change and blows off the 13 deaths her administration caused, illegals getting mortgages, voters roles get cleaned, and amnesty gets plugged. Plus, your comments, Top 5, your comments, the Adventures of DML, plus so much more. Please share!

NOTE: My apologies for the typos yesterday, I was on the road.



The idiots who are verbalizing and publicizing their support of Kamala are very foolish people. They don’t understand her kind; they don’t understand what she has in plan. Bottom line: She would lead this country into the pits of Hell.

The first step in taking the USA into a dark abyss is by silencing our voices. Thus, If Kamala has her way, we will all be silenced, including the idiots championing for Hamas on college campuses. I am NOT kidding. As you are about to learn, Freedom of Speech isn’t what it used to be, and so today’s DML REPORT is a wake up call. It is a sign of how America’s decline is imminent under Democrat leadership.

On my podcast later today, I’ll feature a compelling video clip from Sunrise, Arizona, that highlights a troubling incident during a town hall meeting. A mother stood at the podium alongside her 10-year-old daughter, passionately voicing her complaints and calling out a town official. Instead of engaging in a dialogue, the chairman abruptly interrupted her, citing that she couldn’t comment on an employee in that forum.

The mother, invoking her First Amendment rights, insisted she should be able to express her concerns. However, her appeal fell on deaf ears. In a shocking display of overreaching authority, the chairman ordered a police officer to remove her from the meeting, leaving her visibly upset and her daughter chasing after her in tears. It’s a heartbreaking scene, especially for those of us who value our Constitutional rights.

We’re witnessing an alarming trend where free speech is being stifled. Authorities are increasingly quick to silence dissenting voices, and what’s more concerning is the seeming acceptance of this communist-like behavior. It feels as if little to nothing is being done to safeguard these rights, and if current patterns continue, we can only expect the situation to worsen.


For most of my life, I have heard someone suggest our freedom of speech is under attack. But I hear the warning more often today, and that’s because the government is getting out of control with its Big Brother routine.

Everything you say online is under a microscope, and this means you are being recorded, tracked, and interfered with when the government doesn’t like your words. Sadly, the DC agencies justify it all by suggesting normal people are now terror threats. But worse than having your words evaluated, is to be silenced. This is what’s happening today, online, and it causing people to die.

American learned last night that the White House went to the next level of censorship by pressuring social media giants to shut you up. An earth shattering letter from Mark Zuckerberg, written to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Oh), was released to the public Monday evening. In the letter, the Facebook CEO describes his regret for censoring users during Covid-19. His letter comes more than a year after providing the Congress with thousands of documents as part of its investigation into content moderation on online platforms.

According to Zuckerberg, he was pressured by the Biden Admin to silence messages they did not like. In hind sight, Zuckerberg says they would not have done such a thing, especially when considering the information they censored turned out to be true. For example, the vaccine did not protect people from catching Covid. It has caused injury to many, death to others. People like myself, who questioned how the vaccine was being deployed, were silenced. Imagine if we were not — how many people would be alive today.

In what I would deem to be a “so what” response to the letter, a White House spokesperson told Fox News, "When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety. Our position has been clear and consistent: we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people, while making independent choices about the information they present."

This admission by both the government and Zuckerberg is no laughing matter. This is serious stuff. It changes what and who we are as a nation, significantly.

There is a reason why the First Amendment is listed first. Our ability to speak our minds without punishment or restriction is the bedrock of our existence. So, if the government is silencing us, and there are no consequences, where does it stop? Who will hold Biden accountable for silencing us over concerns for the vaccine? People died as a result! How and why is he permitted to get away with such a violation.

Assuming Trump wins, he and the Republicans best do something about this issue, for there needs to be a rule that says the death penalty is the price paid by any politician who violates our First Amendment rights like they did during Covid.

ALSO, SPEAKING OF ELECTIONS… If you missed my podcast yesterday, you will want to stop what you’re doing and listen. If you care about secure elections, but fear the Democrats cheat, I interviewed the Founder of True the Vote. Listen here.


POLL: Former Democratic congresswoman and candidate for president, Tulsi Gabbard has endorsed Trump. Would you support her joining a future Trump administration? click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
 Would you support RFK Jr. joining a future Trump administration?
Yes  94.42%   

Unsure  3.69%   

No  1.89%   


TRUMP 2024


President Trump said he would create a national guard for the Space Force and build an “Iron Dome” in the U.S. as he laid out his military plans during a Monday address.

Trump, speaking Monday at a National Guard Association of the U.S. conference in Detroit, touted the creation of the Space Force, the sixth branch of the U.S. military. It was established in 2019 to protect U.S. assets in space from threats from Russia and China.

He argued that the U.S. was getting “destroyed” in space prior to the creation of the military branch, but thanks to its creation, the country is now “leading with all of the major metrics in space.”

Also: Trump announced a new book on X. He tweeted, “I have a FANTASTIC new Book coming out next week, “SAVE AMERICA.” I hand-selected every Photo, from my time in the White House, to our current third Campaign for President of the United States. A MUST HAVE on U.S. History, especially for America First Patriots - Get your copy now at,”

Also…More than 200 aides to former Republican presidential contenders Sen. Mitt Romney, the late-Sen. John McCain, and former Presidents George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday, over Trump.



Kamala Harris is trying to change the rules for the Sept. 10 debate against Trump. The debate is set to be hosted by far-left outlet, ABC News.

Harris wants to be seated with a cheat-sheet. For whatever reason, Kamala says she wants to have notes during the live debate. According to Trump advisor, Jason Miller, the Harris campaign previously agreed to the same rules for the CNN debate but is now trying to back out.

"Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate. The Harris camp, after having already agreed to the CNN rules, asked for a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements. We said no changes to the agreed upon rules. If Kamala Harris isn’t smart enough to repeat the messaging points her handlers want her to memorize, that’s their problem," Miller said.

There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is suggesting this rule change. I think he is hoping Trump cancels the debate because Harris is a verbal and mental train wreck when it comes to live performances.

ALSO… Yesterday
August 26 marks the anniversary of one of the most tragic and poorly managed events in recent American history—the withdrawal from Afghanistan. As we reflected on the botched exit that led to the loss of 13 servicemen and women, it's pathetic to see Kamala blow it off.

Kamala Harris took a knee for George Floyd, the criminal who some say got what he deserved. Yet, when it comes to honoring our military heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice during the chaotic withdrawal, Harris was nowhere to be found.




TEXAS — Late yesterday, a federal judge ordered a pause on a new policy from the Biden administration that would make it easier for Americans’ spouses and children who are in the country illegally.

U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker issued an administrative stay on the program, known as “Keeping Families Together,” just days after Texas and 15 other GOP-led states sued the Biden administration for the policy.

The Department of Homeland Security began taking applications last week for the new rule, which allows illegal alien spouses and children of U.S. citizens to adjust their status without first leaving the country.

The governor announced the state had removed 1,000,000 people off the voter roles, including 6,500 non-citizens.

California Democrats are proposing a first in the nation initiative that would help illegal aliens buy homes by providing them up to $150,000 in taxpayer funded down payment assistance. It will likely pass because Dems have supermajority in California. From there it would go to the governor for him to sign it into law.



1. Kamala Harris ally: We have to ‘reimagine’ democracy beyond Founders’ ‘little piece of paper’

2. Democrats sue Georgia election board over changes passed by officials under investigation and possible removal

3. More Americans are thinking about postponing retirement

4. Vandalism found at Gettysburg battleground, preservationists remove traces of defacement: ‘Hallowed ground’

5. ‘No Whites Allowed’ Graffiti Appears in Britain’s Multicultural Birmingham



Screenshot from my X account.

I am tooling around each day with my new account on X (aka Twitter). I am trying to see what works best when measuring my three objectives.

(1) I am trying to get my Pro-Trump message out to the masses.
(2) I want people to follow my page, and share my posts.
(3) I want my account to be known for having an ongoing series of short videos. So, I post short video clips from my podcast for that day, but I also grab clips from my aging library of border movies. The crazy thing about this is that I am posting videos clips from 16 years ago. Insanely, the content remains relevant today because the story of illegal immigration has remained a nightmare.

The great thing about X is the freedom to say and share what you want without fear of censorship. Clearly, we can’t trust Facebook to be as honest. Follow me on X by clicking here.

Kathleen: I pray every day now - Please God…please don’t let Kamala win.

Mark: I am a TeamDML member and listen to your podcasts most every day and get the DML news updates.  Very informative.  Denny has been a great addition to the daily reports. The newsletter has been a wonderful insite into DML’s mind on the political environment that we are in.  I remember the walk-in talks during 2016 and this is a new form that keeps me coming back… Good to know that DML is the most trusted news source I have found in the business.

Later today, at 6pmET, I will send an alert to the DML NEWS APP stating the DML CBD one day site-wide BOGO event to celebrate my birthday. Although the sale will start later today, it will not last long as the inventory is scarce, and it’s a first-come first-served situation.

We will talk about Trump’s media blitz, plus the censorship continues at Facebook even though Zuck says he regrets censoring Trump supporters per the request of Biden. As always, you can listen for free, but if you’d like to watch the show, please become a member of TeamDML for just $30 per year.

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Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,


God is Great, America Needs Him


RFK Jr Gives Trump and Dump