The Vile Email You Sent Me

Good afternoon. Today is Sep 5.

Today, the newsletter is somewhat different.
There will be just three items: (1) DML REPORT, (2) the Adventures of DML that includes a series of vile, and potentially threatening emails I received from a Democrat, and (3) the daily poll.



What makes a lunatic tick?

Yesterday, in the state of Georgia, a boy named Colt Gray, 14, walked into a school and killed four people with a gun; two teachers and two students had their lives stolen for no apparent reason. Nine other people were also shot, but thankfully, they are alive. Today, reports indicate the FBI had known about this kid and his parents for more than a year. Apparently, the FBI was tipped off about Gray in spring of 2023—it appears someone issued a concern about the boy's messages posted online. Sadly, it turns out the concerns were spot on, but once again, it appears local authorities and the FBI didn't take the threats seriously enough; had they taken the threats seriously, perhaps the innocent people at a school in Georgia wouldn't have had to die.

So the question becomes, did the person who reported Gray to the FBI in 2023 ever follow up? If you do not follow up, then you take the risk that nothing is done.

Unlike the people who contact the authorities knowing they will often overlook the warning signs, I take a much different approach. When it comes to protecting my family and myself, I do not play games. I do not believe in blowing off potential threats, nor do I ignore people who appear unhinged. Instead, I do what should be done—I look into everything there is to see, and then I go deeper. Meaning, if you appear to be a threat, I don't sit on my hands and hope that you simmer down or move on to meddle with someone else. No, instead, I send your information to the authorities, and I stay in contact with them until I get answers. I give you two examples…

Example One: SHANE CAIN

Years ago, there was a guy, let's call him Shane Cain. Something wasn't right with Mr. Cain, or so it appeared. He was leaving strange posts via my accounts online. I asked him to stop, but my request didn't do much. I then blocked him.

Most of his messages were flirtatious; he targeted women who follow me. He did this even though he was married with kids. In most cases, I would NOT deem this as a threat and thus, I would blow it off. But something about Shane didn't sit well with me.

Among the strange things he posted, Shane sent me a wave of LONG emails. And he sent them via his employer’s email server. The emails were totally inappropriate, and I asked him to stop. I even went as far as sending him a Cease and Desist letter. He didn't listen.

I did a little bit of digging into Shane, and I learned that his CEO (aka Shane's boss) was a guy who shared a common connection with me. I'll keep those details to myself. More importantly, because the emails came in from his company’s account, I knew I had the right to call the CEO and share Shane Cain's emails. The CEO said he would follow up and provide details of his conversation with Shane, which he did. The CEO assured me Shane was never going to contact me again via email. I also sent the emails to the local police. In other words, I took action.

I never heard from Shane Cain again. Clearly, he cleaned up his act.

Was Shane Cain crazy? Was he a threat to me? Probably not — I think he was a bored guy looking to sleep with some of the women he was chatting with online. But the bigger point is this: My gut told me he was no good.

There are bad people all around us, and with the internet being the sewer it is, my position is simple: You can never be too careful.


I get a lot of emails. So many that I often miss some important ones, like the email about my friend who was dying. She wanted to talk to me one last time. But by the time I found the email, she was gone. But that’s the price I pay for offering my email address to the more than 1.5 million followers, customers, readers, and podcast listeners I have today.

Truth is, for every 100 emails that praise me, I get 1 email that is nasty. I don’t mind, I understand that not everyone is going to like me. Sometimes I respond to the haters, other times I just move past it. I rarely hear from them twice, but even so, I NEVER DELETE THE ORIGINAL EMAIL.

For every 1,000 emails I receive there is one that makes my antennas go up. For example, today, you will read the series of emails I received from a woman living on Long Island. Everyone on Long Island loves Billy Joel, so for sake of assigning a name herein, let’s call her ‘Joel’, and for kicks lets pretend her last name is ‘Bohemia’ (inspired by a town on Long Island).

By reading her emails (below), you’ll see it appears Mrs. Bohemia is not very smart. But make no mistake, she is no doubt dangerously vile and angry. I deem her a threat to society, and anyone who voices support for Trump.

Apparently, people like Joel Bohemia do not understand how email works—or maybe they do but don't give a shit. Either way, when you send an email, there is a footprint. And what Mrs. Bohemia and her ilk don't realize is they are sending evil and threatening messages to a guy who is not going to ignore his own safety or his rights.

It took me about two hours to track down who Mrs. Joel Bohemia really is, and I now know everything I need to know about her going back to junior high school. If she does not stop emailing me, the information will be sent to the authorities in her town, county, and state. I may also contact the federal authorities considering her email is traveling across state lines. Furthermore, later today I have to speak with my attorney on matters of business, but make no mistake, I will inquire about the process of filing charges for harassment. If nothing else, maybe I should send her emails to the local newspapers with her full name and email address attached? I mean, is it not reasonable to think her neighbors would appreciate a heads up?

Now, for the record, I run two companies and a charity, I also publish a daily newsletter and a 60-minute long daily podcast, plus, I am an active dad and husband. I have little time for anything extracurricular, let alone sleep. The LAST THING I have time for is chasing down a troll who is meaningless. That is until I see the meaningless troll as a potential threat. Joel Bohemia fits the bill.

Something about her emails is dangerous. Thus, I wanted to connect the dots—why would this person be seeking me out? So, I dug further to learn her maiden name, I found it. I tracked where she grew up, and I was blown away—but at least I had some answers.

Sadly, it turns out she grew up in the same town I did. We did not go to the same schools, nor do I recall her name or meeting her. My research shows her home was on the other side of town, but there's no doubt we knew the same people. Perhaps my name came up in recent conversations with an old mutual friend? Maybe she saw my videos on X, Facebook, or TV and recalled my name? I have no idea. Maybe it's just a strange coincidence, even so, I don't give a sh*t. The woman is vile and evil, and I cannot pretend like she didn't send me the emails (below).

I do not know how or when she registered to receive my newsletter, nor do I know why she continues to open my newsletters. On July 25, she sent me a rude request via email to remove her email from our list. I personally removed her, and I can confirm she is NOT on my list. Nevertheless, she keeps coming back, which leads me to believe she is an obsessed stalker of some kind.

Her emails leave us knowing two things for certain: Joel Bohemia is a Democrat, and she is a vile person. So, if you live in Bohemia, and your neighbor is a Democrat who hates the sound of my name, beware, she appears to be unhinged. If you see the cops circling her home, you can guess why.


POLL: Do you believe Democrats have a mental illness of some kind?

Take poll, click here


AI Generated:  What JOEL BOHEMIA could look like?

Using her junior high school year book photo that I found online, and importing some other criteria that seemed appropriate, A.I. imagines Joel Bohemia to resemble the illustration above.


Before we dig into Joel Bohemia’s emails, let me state the following:

Although it should be REALLY obvious already, I remind you that at some point you registered to receive emails from me. I know this because I DO NOT buy email lists. But, if for some reason you want to opt-out of receiving my newsletters, all you have to do is hit the UNSUBSCRIBE button at the bottom of this newsletter. The unsubscribe link is there for you every day, and it is in every newsletter. Another option is to mark my newsletter emails as spam, or use the BLOCK SENDER feature provided by your email carrier. It costs me money to send you emails — a lot of money — so if you don’t want to receive them I would prefer you unsubscribe. Please note, if you send me an email requesting that I personally unsubscribe your email, you do so knowing I will try my best but there are no guarantees. If I see the request, and if I have access to my system, by all means I will try to do it for you. But the likelihood of me missing your email is real, and there are other factors that are out of my control. It is BETTER for you to do it on your own. Therefore, I ask you to be smart and follow the SIMPLE ways of ridding of my newsletter if you do not want it.

(Keep in mind, that after I received email #1, I made sure she was not on my email list.)

Clearly, not only is Joel opening the emails but she is reading them. Strange behavior for someone who does not want to receive them.

This email is too long to screenshot, so it is a copy/paste without any editing on my part. I received it last night.

I can’t stand you!!! I’ve asked dozens and dozens of times for you to remove me from your idiotic newsletter list and I’m still getting them!!!  I know you’re dumb, but nobody can be THIS dumb that you can’t figure out how to unsubscribe people who can’t stand you from the list.  What does it take???  I’m being 100% honest when I say that I think you’re one of the dumbest people I’ve ever heard try to string an elementary school lever sentence together, who’s grounded in bullshit fantasy, who’s such an asshole conspiracy theorist and is too stupid to know just how stupid you are that just seeing your name in my inbox makes me physically ill.  I hate the sight of your disgusting face when I click on the emails, it’s enough to make me want to poke my eyes out with hot forks because that would me more pleasant than reading your idiocy.  I literally can not believe that you think your opinions are important or of any significance or consequence in this world, and I HATE how hungry you are to be taken seriously. It’s like you’re desperate to become a star of sorts, but it’s not working because whatever good looks you might have once had are fading fast so all that’s left is ugly and fully of hate with zero redeeming qualities…you’re beyond delusional and full of ignorance and lies, and it’s beyond all reason and logic to think that anyone, particularly you, could be so wrong about so many thing, yet think you’re right about everything. It’s insipid. I hate your condescending, snide style of speaking, the way you act as if everyone, especially those who disagree with you, are beneath you, meanwhile, you’re not good enough to lick our boots.  I hate that air of piety that you exude, especially when speaking about two stellar human beings who are WAY better than you will ever be, who are WAY smarter than you and who are WAY more accomplished and experienced than you could ever dream of being, in everything you pretend to be an expert on…yes, I’m talking about Biden and Harris. They are two incredible people who have dedicated their entire lives to public service and trying to make the world a better, more fair place to live, while you’ve spent your worthless life desperate and struggling to find some tiny semblance of acceptance and respect from the most vile people on the planet, like trump who is a piece of shit conman…he always has been and always will be, but you’re too stupid to see through his obvious mental deficiencies and blatant disregard to the law, and common decency.  I think you actually wish you were Hannity, and even though he’s an absolute moron, you make him look like a fucking genius. But, you do have one thing in common with Hannity and that is that neither one of you was capable enough to get through just one year of college, let alone graduate. You’re just two idiots, so it’s no surprise that you’re both firmly lodged inside of trump’s asshole, struggling for him to notice you down there.  Your 15 minutes, if they ever happened, were over 20 minutes ago and if this was an ideal world, I would never have to see your foul, angry, repulsive face ever again, and I would never again have to receive another one of your hate filled propaganda bullshit emails that, if I printed them out, they could only be used as toilet paper because that’s the only use I can think of that would be the appropriate treatment for the word vomit that you spew in these newsletters on the daily. Do you get the point, here?  I can’t stand you. I find you to be a sad, pathetic individual and I want more than anything to stop you from polluting my email inbox. I’m sick of it!!! I have unsubscribed dozens of times, I have sent dozens of email requests asking you to remove me from your list and to never send me anything again.  But, you refuse to do it.  Please…just fuck off and take me off your list already!!!  I don’t know how you got my email address in the first place. But, I’m guessing you had to pay a service for a list of names because it’s impossible for you to have actual fans, and need to buy people’s attention…the only way a loser like you could expand your reach is by paying people to be your “followers”…so, for the love of god, go the fuck away and stay out of my inbox. Got it?  

Delete my email address!!!!!!!!!!

Clearly, she won’t be sending me a Christmas card, or maybe she will. Who knows. But I repeat, I never buy lists, and I have confirmed she is not on my list. The level of hate and evil, let alone the inability to write a comprehensive, coherent message, must be a hallmark for the college grad with a degree in liberalism because, for some reason, the Democrats never send a clear message. It is always unhinged, with tons of these !!!!!!!!!!!! and tons of these…………., and the curse words are everywhere. Speaks volumes about our universities, and why I always say there is something misfiring in the brains of these people who vote blue.

I will be answering your questions.

Send me your feedback: Email me at


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Until tomorrow morning, I thank you for your support.
God bless you all,


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