Why Trump Sentencing Is Delayed

Good afternoon. Today is Sep 6.

Today, I offer thoughts and information on the breaking news concerning the sentencing delay in the Trump Hush Money Case, a new poll, and an announcement about this newsletter.



When An Election Means Your Freedom

The breaking news for Friday, September 6, is in connection with Trump's Hush Money Trial. The judge presiding over the unprecedented court case, which some say is a case of political lawfare designed to prevent the billionaire politician from retaking the White House in 2024, has delayed sentencing. So, the question becomes, "Why?"

In an early Friday afternoon ruling, Judge Juan M. Merchan rescheduled Trump's sentencing, pushing it off until November 26. This surprise move cancels the previously scheduled sentencing of September 18, leading someone like myself to question the true motive behind the delay.

With just two months before Election Day and polls showing a neck-and-neck race, why would the anti-Trump judge make such a ruling? In his statement, Merchan suggests his decision to postpone the sentencing until after the election aims to keep the election fair and balanced. However, I believe the motivation is much different.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has been fair and balanced in this case. Merchan has been, in my opinion, the most biased judge of my lifetime, and I've never witnessed a case that seemed so manipulated. Let's not forget, the September 18 sentencing date was already a rescheduling. Initially, Trump was scheduled for sentencing in July — just days before the Republican Convention. It was only after a Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity that Merchan delayed the sentencing.

Merchan has made numerous questionable rulings, all of them very unfair to Trump. So why now, with only two months before Election Day, does a Democrat-friendly judge decide to rule in what he claims is in the interest of fairness for Trump the candidate? Let me tell you, I think it has everything to do with preventing Trump from returning to the White House.

Most national and state polls suggest this race is tight, with Harris having a real chance to win. However, data shows that Trump's support via fundraising surges when he's treated unfairly by the courts. Thus, Merchan's decision, in my view, has nothing to do with law and justice; it's 100% political.

If this case is about lawfare, and most Trump supporters like me believe it is, then this surprise decision comes with much suspicion. Could it be that Merchan, and his Democrat friends, fear what happens if Trump is sentenced unfairly? Could it be that the Left knows that with a jail sentence: TRUMP WINS THE ELECTION.

Trump had great momentum after he was found guilty on 34 counts in the Hush Money Case. His momentum went into hyper speed after being shot in Pennsylvania. Sadly, that momentum came to a halt when Biden announced he was dropping out of the race, and Harris was jumping in. I think Merchan knows that if he were to imprison Trump, even for a day, the American people would rally behind Trump in unprecedented numbers for a presidential election. If Trump was sent to jail, two months prior to an election and eight days after a presidential debate, Trump would regain all the momentum he had after being shot in the ear.

Although I would hate to see Trump be treated so poorly in a court of law, I was hoping he would be sentenced. The media frenzy would be incredible, Harris would be an afterthought. On my podcast, I described it as “Trump would be unstoppable.” His win in November would be insanely great.

But without the sentencing, he is in a situation where the media will remain focused on creating Harris to falsely appear like the perfect candidate. Without a sentencing, the media will ignore Trump. Mark my word, for the next 60-daysTrump will get little coverage. If he does make headlines, it will be negative.

As noted, Trump has lost considerable momentum to Harris. The media ignores her bussing in attendees to fake rallies; they overlook her lack of details for policies that would crush the economy; and they pretend she hasn't flip-flopped on numerous issues like the border wall and fracking. From a clicks and cash perspective, the media wanted Trump to go to jail. But they’ll get there chance for sentencing later on in November. For now, they prefer to win the election.

The media, like Merchan, knows that Trump's ability to position himself as an underdog is unparalleled — the last thing Democrats want is for Trump to garner sympathy — so they will spend the next 60-days making Kamala appear like a battered woman. Meaning, when it comes to reporting on Trump, they will report only on the negative things he says about her. They do this knowing that without him being sentenced to jail, nobody feels bad for Trump — so they want to position Kamala as the underdog.

With the above in mind, Trump needs to sharpen his game. In addition to kicking butt in the debate, he has to win on messaging. He has to highlight his plan in comparison to her plan each and every day. He needs to run the best commercials, do countless podcast interviews, and stay focused on illegal immigration and the economy. It will not be easy without the media on his side, but if anyone can do it it’s Trump.

If Trump wins in November, he is in a great spot to avoid jail time. If he loses, he is in trouble.

The Hush Money Trial is a state issue, and thus, even if Trump wins he cannot pardon himself. However, there is no court in America that will allow Judge Merchan to toss Trump in prison when he has a country to run.

On the flip side, if Trump loses, Merchan will try to ensure that Trump never sees the light of day again, making him pay dearly for each of the 34 felonies. If this happens, Trump's only hope is that an appeals court tosses the case out due to Merchan's biased decisions during the trial.

So, when you vote for Trump this fall, you are not only voting for your country's future, you are voting to keep Trump out of jail.

IN OTHER NEWS: Trump received a bunch of good news today. The jobs report was a disaster for August, and previous months were revised down. This bodes poorly for Harris, as more people are feeling the negative impact of the Biden/Harris economy.

Also, in Michigan and North Carolina, courts demanded that RFK Jr’s name be removed from the ballots in their respective states. In tandem, RFK Jr is urging his supporters to vote for Trump.


POLL: Do you believe gun control is the solution to school shootings?

Take poll, click here

YESTERDAY’S POLL: Do you believe Democrats have a mental illness of some kind?
Yes  91.88%   
No  8.12%   



Over the recent months, my family-run media business, like so many small businesses in America, has been beaten up pretty badly. The costs of goods and services are insanely high. Then tack on the unfair practices of Facebook and Google — both demonetized us for NO REASON after 12-years of partnership. Then tack on the many letters I am receiving from some TeamDML members who have to quit their membership because they cannot pay their bills each month. All in, it equals to a situation where I will have to cut back on things I offer for free.

This newsletter takes an incredible amount of work. I devote roughly 4 hours per day, and thousands of dollars each month, to sending your a free newsletter. I launched this newsletter as a way of cutting out the social media companies, but even the email services are slime balls. They often toss my newsletters into the spam folder, but somehow they always deliver the liberal newsletters to the inbox.

Having spent many sleepless nights trying to find a solution to keep this newsletter alive, I came up with only one solution. Starting next week, this newsletter will offer the DML REPORT, a poll, and the Adventures of DML. The other sections will be removed in order to cut back on time and money. Furthermore, instead of sending it out Monday thru Friday, I will send it out via email two times per week for free (Tuesday and Friday). To the contrary, if you are a paying member of TeamDML, you will receive it every day. It will be published to TeamDML.com, and sent to you via email.

I hope to see things improve with an election victory for Trump, but just getting to November will be rough. The economy is coming to a screeching halt, the numbers don’t look good. That said, if you can become an annual member for just $30, I would appreciate you doing so now. If not, I understand, and hope you’ll continue to open the free newsletter on Tuesday’s and Friday’s.

Enjoy your weekend.

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The Vile Email You Sent Me