Joe’s Big Boy Disaster

Today is July 12.

Forgive me:
I am on the road this morning, so the newsletter format is a bit different than usual. Plus, I offer you a shorter version. I am also sending it out late. Also, I will NOT be doing a Future Ready op-ed Saturday due to my travels.

Today, I am covering Joe’s Big Boy presser. A new poll, Trump 2024, borderless, and some top headlines.

Joe mixes up Harris and Trump, Putin and Zelensky


If you had a newborn baby, and you met Big Buy Joe Biden, and Joe asked to hold your baby, would you allow him? Of course not, you’d be too scared that he’d drop your child. Yet, this man is running the country.

My Grandpa
When I see Joe Biden, it reminds me of when my grandfather was towards the end of his life — he was still functional but couldn’t remember anything. He walked slowly, stiffly, and looked awkward. His brain was all jumbled up. Up was down, white was black, and nice was mean. He was so out of sorts that he felt compelled to suddenly move from New York to Florida full-time. My wife and I urged him not to leave, as it would leave him all alone. Our efforts were futile; he was too far gone. His brain was locked into a senseless narrative, and therefore, common sense was completely locked out.

Nothing about my grandfather’s decisions made sense. We warned him, but he dismissed our concerns. Without going into detail, family members who had been absent from his life for decades suddenly reappeared and began taking advantage of him. I called it “death planning,” as they did everything possible to take the little money he had left. The saga unfolding with Joe Biden feels like déjà vu. I’ve been through this before, and it didn’t end well. The bigger problem is that, unlike my grandfather's minimal savings being stolen, our country is vulnerable to exploitation by bad actors from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

Joe Biden held a press conference yesterday, dubbed the 'Big Boy press conference.' According to the left-leaning media, Biden looked sharper than he did in his debate two weeks ago, but that’s like comparing a spoon to a butter knife. Truth is, he appeared as slow and ill as he has for the past two years. There was nothing about Joe Biden’s performance worth celebrating, it was another disaster for the world to see. But Jill and Hunter will likely tell him otherwise — much like my unscrupulous relatives took advantage of my aging grandfather.

Biden took questions for nearly 60 minutes to conclude the NATO summit in Washington. He was asked about world affairs, inflation, polling numbers, being replaced as the candidate, and his plans for the next four years if he is reelected.

At times, his answers offered a tiny touch of spark. For example, he sounded like a radical Democrat when speaking about gun control, and he was all fired up when criticizing Donald Trump. Beyond that, he looked and sounded like a 95-year-old.

"Biden was flat. He spoke slowly, and there was no punch to his voice. As expected, he was incapable of finishing his sentences, often losing his train of thought. He dismissed his poor approval rating and tried to sell the false narrative that he’s performing well in the polls against Trump. He rejected the idea that Kamala Harris should be the nominee, claiming he is the only person who can defeat Trump.

Big Boy Gaffes
Joe delivered plenty of little brain farts, but the two biggest head-scratchers were enough to set Twitter ablaze. The first was when Biden described Kamala Harris as Vice President Trump. The second happened earlier in the day when he incorrectly introduced President Volodymyr Zelensky as President Putin.

The Big Boy did nothing to call off the dogs. Eight more House Democrats called on Biden to step aside yesterday, bringing the total number to 17. But much like my grandfather, Biden’s brain is in the darkest of places where he has no chance of seeing the reality of the situation.

As I noted yesterday, Obama is planning his fourth and final phase of Biden’s removal. I suspect he will wait until the Republican convention is over and Trump picks his VP. That’s when Obama will sit with Joe, and show him the new poll numbers that indicate Trump is a runaway train he cannot beat. (Note: polling for a candidate typically skyrockets following the party’s convention.). It will take Obama forcing Biden to drop out, otherwise the Big Boy is staying put.

Big Boy Cringe
Another thing that was impossible to ignore during the 'Big Boy' press conference was the uncomfortable facial expressions and cringe-inducing body language of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. All three were seated in the front row for Biden’s presser, and all three tried to ignore Biden’s gaffes. However, it was impossible to do so. Blinken closed his eyes and bowed his head slightly in disappointment when Joe referred to Harris as VP Trump.

Sullivan appeared to be trying his best to contain his emotions, putting his hand up to his mouth before balling it into a fist and resting it on his chin, which could be perceived as disbelief over the statement.

Trump quickly slammed Biden over the mistake on Truth Social:

“Crooked Joe begins his ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference with, ‘I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, though I think she was not qualified to be president.’ Great job, Joe!”

My fear is that the world knows there is limited time until the party ends. Meaning, Trump is back in charge and the easily manipulated Biden is in an old age home. The next 6 months are going to be scary. Let's hope Zelensky doesn’t send a nuke our way before Trump takes over. Oops. I meant Putin.


POLL: Did Biden’s Big Boy Press Conference save his candidacy?
Take the poll, click here

Yesterday’s poll results:
Do you support the RNC excluding its position on abortion?

Yes  53%
No 40%
Unsure 7%


1. Jen Psaki says Kamala Harris is best alternative to Biden but worries America too ‘sexist and racist’

2. Catherine Herridge Tells Tucker Exactly How ‘Tension’ Skyrocketed At Network

3. Head of AI Safety Agency Could Facilitate ‘Government-Big Tech Collusion’ Like Coronavirus Pandemic, 2020 Election

4. AT&T hacker steals call, text records of ‘nearly all’ customers

5. Gas prices: Costs increase for third straight day

6. A Man Disappeared In An Avalanche 22 Years Ago. His Body Was Just Found.

Click here to see the details of each headline.

2024 News

Make America Great Again Inc., a leading super PAC supporting former President Trump's 2024 campaign, announced that it raised $104 million during the second quarter of 2024. According to figures shared with Fox News, MAGA Inc. now has nearly $114 million in cash reserves.

This announcement follows the recent disclosure that Trump's campaign, in collaboration with the Republican National Committee, brought in $331 million over the past three months. This amount surpasses the $264 million raised by President Biden's re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee during the same period.

A significant portion of Trump's fundraising was driven by a surge in donations following his guilty verdicts earlier this year. Last month, the super PAC announced plans to spend $100 million on a major ad campaign in key battleground states to support the former president.

Most voters doubt that Joe Biden is actually fulfilling his role as president, with few expressing strong confidence in his capability. According to the latest Rasmussen Reports national survey, only 38% of likely U.S. voters believe Biden is truly performing presidential duties, down from 40% last year. Meanwhile, 52% think others are making decisions for him behind the scenes, and 10% remain unsure.

As for approval tracking via Rasmussen Reports, 44% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance, while 54% disapprove. The latest figures include 26% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove, which gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20.

This also follows a recent Rasmussen poll which shows only 30% of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction.


Last month, I reported to you that the Department of Homeland Security identified 400
migrants smuggled into the United States via networks affiliated with ISIS. Alarmingly, the whereabouts of 50 of these individuals remain unknown.

This issue highlights significant intelligence failures, allowing potential terrorists to enter the country. Once their terror affiliations are discovered, the FBI and ICE must locate these individuals, a task that can take years.

Despite DHS efforts to keep these situations under wraps, The NY Post has identified 16 cases where individuals with terror ties were hiding in plain sight, from California to North Carolina. These individuals often blend in among the millions of migrants who have crossed into the U.S. in recent years, making detection and apprehension even more challenging.

For the month of July, I am running an incredible special where you can join for a mere $18 annually. Membership means access to all my podcasts, you participate in the TeamDML 24/7 LIVE CHAT with other members, you get ads-free news on the DML NEWS APP, and you help keep this newsletter going. So please, go to and sign up today. It normally costs $200.

In this photo…
Early in my career, I made a huge mistake by making an appearance on Jon Stewart’s, Comedy Central network, to discuss illegal immigration. The highly edited interview was a horror show. When it aired, they made me appear as a racist. I received death threats online for months. My lawyer contacted the show and asked them to air the unedited version, but they declined. More importantly, they poked fun at my warnings of terrorists using our southern border as a gateway to another 9/11. I wonder if that assh*le Stewart is laughing today, as my warnings have become real and another 9/11 is a matter of time.

1) Thanks so much for your article on Marco Rubio. I never liked him and always considered him a rino. We don't say it enough DML but you are the best of the best and the only source of news that I looked to and depend on - Janice

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Until Monday. God bless you.


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