Joe’s ABC Interview Falls Flat

Today is July 6. Today’s FUTURE READY op-ed is about Biden’s interview with ABC NEWS.

A…B…C You Later, Joe

Each weekend, I publish FUTURE READY, an op-ed highlighting a topic shaping our nation's future. This week, my op-ed offers insight into Joe Biden's interview on ABC NEWS and how it will shape the election.


You could hand Joe Biden a map to help him locate his brain, but he would remain lost. This has been a longstanding issue throughout his political career, though the Democratic Party and the press have often turned a blind eye. However, with recent events like the debate and his most recent TV interview, the tide is turning quickly. It won't be long before they have to confront these issues head-on.

Biden sat down with ABC News for a 22-minute interview Friday night, where he faced repeated questioning about his mental health and his ability to defeat Trump in 2024.

Anchor George Stephanopoulos, who previously served as White House Communications Director under Bill Clinton and is known for his far left-leaning views, persistently probed Biden to acknowledge his electoral challenges. Despite Stephanopoulos' constant questioning, Biden denied any downturn in the polls or acknowledgment of his low approval ratings, and he never addressed concerns about his age. Biden would be 86 at the end of a second term.

During the interview, Biden appeared without a necktie and with a spray-on tan, attempting to appear vibrant and healthy, though his demeanor and speech betrayed his 81 years.

He responded to questions with brief, rehearsed answers, possibly to avoid losing his train of thought. His voice sounded raspy and was often difficult to hear clearly, prompting me to question his immune system's resilience against the common cold.

While Stephanopoulos remained courteous, he did not shy away from pressing Biden on his underwhelming debate performance. But Joe kept giving the same answer, calling it a bad night.

Going deeper, Biden attributed his debate struggles to exhaustion, citing a lingering cold as a factor. It was total nonsense, but George didn’t push back.

Whether on purpose, or just because he sucks at his job, Stephanopoulos missed opportunities to delve deeper into Biden's claims, such as why he needed assistance from Jill Biden to walk down two-steps from the debate stage, or why he visited a Waffle House after the debate despite feeling tired and unwell.

Stephanopoulos failed to ask if Joe took Adderall, or a similar drug, before the debate, or before the State of the Union.

Stephanopoulos failed miserably — never asking Joe to provide specifics. For example, Stephanopoulos asked Biden if he rewatched the debate. Joe responded, “I don’t think so.” Right there, Stephanopoulos should have pounded Biden on his constant lapses in memory and coherence. But he did not because he’s a fraud, just like Joe.

It’s not just the debate.
Not a day passes without a new video of Biden forgetting where he is, or what he is talking about. Stephanopoulos knows this to be true. Yet, he never brought it up. He didn’t ask Biden about needing aides to walk him across the White House lawn, or why he walks up the rear stairs to Air Force One.

Stephanopoulos didn’t ask Joe about falling asleep during meetings, or walking in the wrong direction while in Italy last month. He didn’t ask why Hunter Biden is attending White House meetings, or what role Jill is playing each day.

Throughout the interview, Stephanopoulos continued to challenge Biden on his debate performance, to which Biden eventually deflected blame onto Trump's supposed falsehoods during the debate. It was a lame answer; but then again, it was a lame interview.

It’s been reported that Joe can only operate normally from 10am through 4pm each day. Stephanopoulos did not ask about this, nor did he inquire further into Biden freezing up at various events.

He also did not question Biden's assertion that no service members were killed under his watch in Afghanistan, which contradicts what actually took place.

Throughout the interview, Stephanopoulos persisted in questioning Biden's mental acuity, including whether he would undergo an independent neurologist's test. Biden dismissed the idea, insisting his clarity was evident daily.

It was a biased, disgusting interview, in which Stephanopoulos tossed out the same question, and Biden was permitted to answer by spelling out his so-called accomplishments. Stephanopoulos responded, “I will not argue your accomplishments.” Why not, I ask? Why not press the guy on inflation, the open border, nonstop funding to Ukraine, Hunter Biden’s gun convication, and leaving Israel to defend itself against Hamas.

Stephanopoulos gave Biden airtime to declare his presidency as one for the history books. The aging dinosaur had the audacity to suggest that historians are telling him that his time in office will go down as being one of the best ever.

There was one time when Stephanopoulos took the conversation into an area that Biden didn’t like very much. It was when George asked about members of the Democrat Party, like Senator Mark Warner, calling for him to drop out before it’s too late. Joe denied such a thing was true, stating no person has approached him directly. Stephanopoulos followed up by asking what he would say if Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer asked him to end his candidacy. Joe said he would not answer George’s hypothetical questions, and then declared such a request from Nancy and Chuck will never happen.

Stephanopoulos suggested Joe leave with grace, instead of being tossed out on his ass (my words, not his). Despite the calls from Congress and The NY Times for Biden to end his campaign, Biden remained defiant, suggesting he would continue on with his campaign unless instructed otherwise from God.

Biden is EXTREMELY unhealthy. Stephanopoulos knows it. Joe’s family knows it. You know it. American knows it. The world knows it. And somewhere in his head, Joe knows it too.

I am not a doctor, I don’t have dementia, nor have I lived with someone who has the disease. Thus, I may be out of line here, but I think it is easy to see that Joe has a much greater problem than being a Democrat. I believe Joe has full blow dementia, and my proof is his inability to remember how terrible he has been for America.

In summary, the ABC interview did nothing to bolster Biden's image or dispel concerns about his fitness for office. It underscored that Biden is past his prime physically and mentally, likely intensifying calls for his resignation. Moreover, Biden's apparent disconnect from reality, such as his belief in a glowing historical legacy, contrasts sharply with public sentiment and the facts we all face.

Joe has no future in the White House, thank God. But the Big Guy is not ready to leave. This means Democrats will go to war with each other; things are going to get uglier real soon. Mark my word, at some point Obama and his cronies are going to get pissed off. They’ll tell Joe, “Get out of here now, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”

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Until Monday. God bless you.


Joe’s Big Boy Disaster


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